feb 10th 2025

I thought it would be cool to show a report from 2016 so here ya go
Just like that and another season is in the books. 79 days and nights on such a grand lake. Every year is different and again this year was different. With the late ice watching all the outfitters and resorts coming up with plan bees to accommodate there clients was very interesting. I had to start right in front of my place as that’s the only place I could find over 14 inches of ice. That shallow water bite can be fantastic and we did have a few nights of great fishing in 7 to 8 feet of water. Getting the houses out to buddy Hillmens highway was a challenge, but with my good friend Marty,s help we were able to improvise and get them over there with out going through Buddys southern berm. From there it was off to find the mother lode. Finding a good late night bite was brutal. Being we rent sleepers I would like the rattle wheels going off all night . We had some nights that the rattle wheels had to be pulled up but not what I have become accustomed to? I found some good fishy areas and the fish would refuse to bite? We slowly migrated out to deeper water driving over millions of fish to catch a few? The sunrises and sunsets never get old and again my phone is full of morning and evening pictures. The red barons v plow got a whole new face lift and was much needed as I demolished it last year chasing the very elusive but still catchable upper red lake crappie. Blue thunder two’s 2nd year on the lake and I could not be happier with its performance. What a great truck.” knock on wood” I expect to get a good ten more years out of her if not more. My good friend Wayne was able to come up every other weekend and we had some good laughs and epic cards games. Mother nature was very kind to us this year as every year is different. The houses flooded just about every ware we set up. Working on the lake everyday was a joy. there were a few cuss words now and then but that’s nothing new. I again met some great people that will or have become life long friends. My goal has always been to have repeat customers .That has worked out real fine as it sure is nice to see them year after year. I never stop learning new things on the lake and Buddy Hillmen taught me a few more things about running a ice road. Helping with Hillmens highway is a treat for me and its sure is nice being part of the team. I had a couple brain farts? One that really sticks out was when I pulled a truck out of the southern berm and then gave the guy my new tow strap and told him to drop it off at hillmens store when he was done with it. I learned a lesson there and will never offer my strap to another fishermen un less they ask. Marty has helped me two years in a row now and still has not experienced the wrath the red lake can produce. She sure can be a eye opener as Randy can attest to when we tried to get off the lake in a white out. We made the right decision and went back to the houses where we hunkered down. Wayne was totally amazed at the wife Kellie” the Hammer ” as she could come out to the houses day or night with all the confidence of a seasoned professional . My working vacation was just that as I went on the search for the mother load of the very elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Randy and Tammy ended up getting 14 which was pretty darn good. All the houses managed to get a few here and there as I kept moving them . I never managed to land on the mother load like last year when the hammer and I got 27 in a hour and a half the last night old Minnesota was on the lake. Oh well there is always next year. This year I changed up gears and kept my mouth shut in preparation for my crappie hunt. The crew were all rolling in last Thursday and I did not want to be over whelmed with fishermen like last year. It could not of worked out better as the fishing was outstanding with over a hundred elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies caught and released to fight another year. Jake and Gabrial kept 4 for a meal. Ole kept 5 to take home. The hammer and I kept 7 total since the end of walleye season. Brady, Shawn, Wes, Joff kept a couple for a fish fry Saturday night. Florida, North Dakota and Montana all caught some elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies after dark which was great to see. Old Minnesota had Don and his buddy and even after moving it Saturday it still did not produce a elusive upper red lake crappie. Don did land a dandy pike on his rod and reel and that may of been the reason there were no elusive upper red lake crappies under the house. Adam / Ginger ended up with only 4 and is still looking for that wall hanger. Tim and his son Leon managed to get 11. The guys in the white ice castle got 6 after I talked to them and gave the suggestion to move. Randy fished the exact same holes he fished where they got the 14 and got skunked. It sounded like Buddy Hillmen found the mother load with some clients / friends and caught 70 while his other group got 45 Saturday into the evening. Yesterday morning I headed out to bring the fleet home. The timing could not of been any better and it is such a relief to have them home and on shore. I slept like a baby last night as all the worries associated with having the houses and fishermen out there were gone for another year. The liter I picked up last year has been nothing like this year. Thank you fishermen as the word has got out that it will not be tolerated. All the outfitters and resorts are on board and not afraid to make a phone call if need be. It may sound kinda of funny but I’m hoping I can spend a few more days out there in blue thunder policing the lake for liter. There is nothing worse then seeing that crap floating in the water and washing up on the beach. I huge thank you goes out to all my customers as with out you I would have nothing to write about . As Dave the old timer said it a GRAND LAKE AND It Owes Me NOTHING! NOTHING!

Ole ,Marty and I are headed off to low to do some pike fishing tomorrow. Wish us luck

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Jan 29th 2025

There is no way I can remember who were in which houses the past 8 days. I will try and share some of the highlights and lows of the past week. Sean and Jeoff were up staying in Florida. There uncle Paul were in nevada fish house he had two friend’s relatives from sarsota florida. Very interesting guys to visit Both had raced boats plus one was a boat mechanic the other now a captain that transfers boats up and down the eastern coastline. The stories they could share. I could have visited for hours but it did not work out. Sean and jeoff had some friends catching walleyes and elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies 2.7 miles from us. They ask if it was possible to move the house. Thats quite the distance to move a skid house cross country with no plowed road so we gave them a option that we could bring a wheelhouse utah out there as the house was no show. They decided to go out with their hub. The next morning, they decided to head home a day early. We did get his uncle paul moved in Nevada to a new spot where they did manage to catch a few more fish. But no elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Bob the owner of colorado was also her for the weekend .After catching a couple walleyes wher we had a couple houses the moved out to a area they would have a chance for a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. They did manage to get a few plus a few more walleyes.
Alaska had the owner John here. They did manage to catch some fish and had a grand time on a grand lake.
Old minnesota had Brian and his gal Sarah here for her birthday they also had there 2 friends Eric and Amy staying in montana. They had a riot figuring they caught well over 50 fish between to the 2 houses there were already planning to come again. That has always been my goal, good fishing or bad to have clean comfortable houses, on fresh spots even if it just the cookie shuffle in a fishy area, Nice and warm when they arrive, spend a little time visiting with them. being a good host. possible moving if the fishing is horrible depending on conditions, vehicles, weather etc. The guys Jonny boy, dusty, and Dave have been getting nothing but compliments from our guest which makes me feel real good.
We had Travis and his family in Texas it was a little slow but they did get some fish.
California and cabin were a no show as well as Utah and Tennessee. The guys we had for Utah and Tenn. They were here last year, we gave them a heck of a deal as they came from Oklahoma with some vets. They did not even bother to call. North Dakota had Josh they also caught fish and had a good time. We had a few guests the last few days, Jonny boy offered to take a couple of them out the chase elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. One that came along was a 12 year old that got to have some if not the best fishing ever as he landed 10 of these special fish. The 3 of them ended up catching 27 total in 25 mph winds. We again had some crazy winds that again have made some good drifts around the houses you never stop battling mother nature here on the shores of upper red lake.

MONDAY Jan 20TH 2025

Mother nature decided enough was enough and reared her ugly side Starting Friday. The winds came in with a relentless fury. The drifts started to build around each house throughout the day right into the evening. After two days There are 3-foot drifts that you can drive right over with a truck the snow is packed so hard. I do not quite understand the science of how the wind can do that.
I was out friday evening fishing with our good friend Wayne. A pulled the plug around 10 pm. I had to have Jonny boy escort me off the lake blazing a trail with rusty trusty and her v-plow.
We did have two no shows that really put a sting on us. I have always done a handshake over the phone rather than have most customers send a deposit. But having 2 full time guys. Me not doing any of the manual labor. From here on out we will be having a new policy. We do take Venmo at this time as well as mailing deposit. The future we shall also plan on taking credit cards. The part that really stung is MLK weekend has always filled fast with many many many calls that I refer out.
Wayne and I probably had the worst of the fishing. We did miss some bites. I lost a nice keeper at the hole as I did not want to take any chances with my back so tried to hoist it out. We did have a grand time laughing, playing cards, reminiscing having a couple cocktails with diner in old Minnesota.
Tennessee had the owner Elvis he did go home with his 4 plus released quite a few fish.
Florida had Terry, Sarah, Ken and Carl They have been coming for years. They also had a grand time. They went home with almost there limit plus let some bigger one go. They always bring me a few homemade breakfast burritos and venison sticks. They said thanks are headed home already planning on coming again next year.
California had Som Courtney and Oliver their dog. The figured they caught 15 fish.
Andy, Andy, Sam the rest of the crew caught fish plus had me over to try some eel pout and Venison, the eelpout was good but the venison back strap was cooked to perfection so so good. They had Colorado and Utah again they have also been coming for years.
Our granddaughter Asley poo her Hubby Justin and our newest great grandchild Wesley 7th generation on the lake fished in North Dakota They also caught some fish but released them for another day as they don’t eat many fish. I guess next time I make fish I will tell them it’s chicken.
Momata had Ryan and his crew. They also did well even though quite a bit of time they were fishing for a phone that they did manage to get back.
Texas had Kaiti hubby Jake? plus the kids they also got some fish, but they also had a slower house.
Our houses never had the chance to release a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie the weekend as none were caught. If you happen to get one where we are fishing more than likely it will be over 15 inches and a loaner chasing some shiners, once there that size, I assume they would be hard to eat from any fish looking for a meal. We do have a couple guest we are waiting for today. They drew the short straw as We have not started to again move houses do the cold. The high for today has been -19. We can give them a couple options with one being a house further out that our friends D and D ice fishing that did well on some elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies on a grand lake that owes us nothing

Thursday Jan 16th

Well the guys are out there again today doing what they do. I have no idea where the houses are headed too but will know later when I venture out. Yesterday I did venture out on the lake and made my longest drive. Theres some ruts under the snow that got made when we had that very wet slushy 3 inches of snow earlier this year. Most of the time I was in 4 2-wheel drive in black beauty still being able to go all most anywhere. I checked on a few other ice roads that nobody owns. Never know when you get lost in a white out. Jonny boy and Dusty Did take four of our customers staying in our houses out to chase the mother lode of elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Chris and Kieth from nebraska. Keith landed 7 without any vexlar. I guess he was a good listener. Cody also was with a friend. Everyone else got too at least catch one. They found a nice school but once the noise starts, they will take off. If you can get a couple! Sometimes it can start a flurry/feeding frenzy. Some of the best fishing you may ever have, other times they just swim away. Thats when the cheatmaster 3000 fish elimanator comes into play. It’s still fun working as a team catching an sometimes releasing such a beautiful, thick, big, iridescent colored fish. We always keep a couple as the hammer would rather eat them instead of a fresh walleye. I will keep encouraging fishermen to not take ten apiece, but they sure can as that is the limit.
Tim and Laura also had a cheatmaster, staying in montana the first night they did get 4 to eat. Never got to see how they ended up but did get to visit for a bit yesterday. I think the boys also had moved them? Texas had Elliot and his crew. I never stopped in but I did talk to him, a little sloww but they enjoyed the stay said they will be back. We only have 4 groups out there tonight so we shall see how they do. Lots a planning the next few days as a cold windy fronnt will be blowing in. This is the weekend I guy could of rented 50 houses as it martin Luther King Day on Monday. The guys might get a chance to catch their wind as we only have 3 houses rented wednesday at this time. Customers are still complementing the guys so they must be doing something right on this grand lake that owes us nothing

Jan 15th 2025

First, I would like to thank all the old and new customers we have had this past week. Last Saturday Jonnny boy took Customers from the houses that wanted to go after some elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Him and Dusty took them out on the search where I think everyone got to catch at least one of these special fish. Sean A few other groups on the internet put the hurt on them the past 10 days. Most are caught outside of the house as you have to work for them to get them. The cheatmaster 3000 fish eliminator has made it a little bit easier, but as they all like to say, “You still have to get them to bite” I just roll my eyes and say “righhht”. Jake is just itching to get up as he has a passion for catching these fish as well as Jonny boy plus quite a few others. Colorado did get two out of the house as well a California also got at least one. If any others got any I did not here about it. The walleye fishing did get better as The boys again made big moves with the houses. Tami, Tony and the two boys. The first night they managed to get a good fish dinner. Jonny boy and the crew moved them where they figured they caught a total of 20 fish for the weekend. Ice castle John only managed to catch just a few but they will be back. Florida with Josh and his wife also landed two elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. I cannot read some of my notes as the days of remembering names and events are just a little harder. I’m 65 not 80. Dusty house has again been spitting out nice walleyes during the day. 2 of our customers fished in there. They got there 8 fish from noon to 4pm and headed home.
Alaska had some excitement as one of the guys dropped his money clip down a hole. They were able to land the magnet on it, but the clip was not metal. They were fishing for it all weekend but did manage to get it the last day.
Rick and his crew in north dakota went home with 11 very nice fish 1 shy of their limit. They were here to redeem them self’s from there last trip. Gave the guys a nice tip that was greatly apricated. Les was here with his wife and another couple they drew the short straw when the temps dropped and the wind picked up to gale force. They ended up packing up a day early. I plan on calling them today to see if they would like to come back for a free night.
We have had a few guests this past week starting sunday. All the house moves started to pay off with every house getting some action. We have Chris and his buddy up from Nebraska they are having a grand time on a grand lake. Paul and Bob? had some action in florida.
My back has again gotten better than it was last Wednesday. I think maybe pulled a muscle. I was pretty bummed when I woke up friday and she was still hurting pretty good. I did spend the longest time so far on the lake yesterday I checked in a new couple, visited Paul. Todd, Jimmy B B in California. I also visited Tim and his wife I think this may be their 3rd year. One of the nicest things is spending time with the customers even though I’m struggling a bit with names. With guest out there last night no phone calls are always a good thing.
Jonny bot had a flat on rusty trusty of course it had to be 5 miles out so we ended up picking up 2 new tires just a heads up there now made of gold, Zoiks!! very expensive. One of my best friends Wayne will be coming up this weekend, so I am expecting some good laughs plus a few good hands of cards on as Dave an old timer that use to host viking players up here. Its A Grand Lake That Owes Me Nothing Nothing in a very loud voice with spit shooting out his mouth while we fished in old minnesota that day such a long long time ago.

Jan 11th 2025

Its been a busy week coming into this weekend. Jonny boy, dusty have been basically moving houses nonstop. It drives jonny crazy when the houses do poor, which I also know that feeling after over 20 years of stopping in to check and visit customers,
The fishing did pick up as the weather warmed and the barometer pressure started to drop. I have heard of a few groups landing on mother loads of the famous elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. We have had one here or one there but know big school the past week. We were able to find a few more walleyes than a week ago so that’s good news. All the houses were on new spots as of yesterday but Jonny boy and Dusty are out there moving houses with customers that checked on Thursday and even yesterday, I think. It a lot harder to report happenings on the lake when you’re not participating. We do have a nephew with his wife Liz and the 2 kids staying in minnesota They have had pretty good action as they had caught over 10 fish when I visited with them yesterday.
The back had been feeling better every day. Walking down to the lake without having to sit down was very encouraging. I was daydreaming that I may be able to spend some time in Old Minnesota next week. Not sure how I would catch a fish without bending or twisting? That changed a little tuesday when I was in our laundry room doing what I should not be doing. I knocked over a gas tank that was off a generator. I twisted and reached out to grab it. Not a great idea as a did something That really aggravated a muscle or something. It slowly gotten better each day so hopefully I’m fine, she still hurts but nothing like it did Wednesday .That should or better of been a wakeup call to think before I do anything. what I was doing I should not have been doing so I hope it’s a good lesson learned.
I have talk to all the customers over the phone today with just so, so, fishing. A couple houses have caught a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. There’s been a few larger walleyes in the 19 to 21 inch range. A lot of dinks or small ones, Alot of misses, a lot of rattle wheels with nothing there. No complaints so that was good. I’m going to venture out there in a bit but do nothing that could set me back. I need to visit a few people out there. Including Jon the owner of Alaska “On A grand Lake That Owes Us Nothing”

Jan 8th 2025

It was a very hectic week for us this past week. At least for me. I did go out on the lake late saturday eve. I was able to find North Dakota and Old Minnesota with Rick and Matt. They each did a trip in a snow bear while they were here. The bite was tough this past weekend. Old minnesota did catch 12
elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Matt said there was a school of elusive crappies under north dakota when they were on their snow bear trip. Most of the house just had tough fishing with lookers but not many takers.
Tim and Amanda were in Montana. They have also been coming here for quite a few years, they know how to catch fish. They did pretty good and did take home 8 nice fish plus 2 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies plus a couple nice perch. We did let them fish in dustys scout house where they got a couple of the fish. Amanda said she figured they caught over 40 fish. The rest of the houses this weekend only caught some fish. We did check in new customers sunday and yesterday. All those houses have started get a little more action.
I did celebrate my birthday on the 5th and our 47th year in marriage on the 6th. I do not understand how she handled me all these years. I know i can drive the hammer a little crazy sometimes. I’ve always said it was love at first site as I passed here going down some stairs at their house when I met her brother. The back seems to be getting better as I have walked down to the lake a couple times without having to sit down. I still have to be careful with the bending and twisting as I can tell the next morning if I have overdone anything.
Dusty and Jonny are doing a great job without me throwing around orders. I’m still struggling with a foggy brain, I’m thinking some of it has to do with the pain pills so we will see. I still want to stay off the lake as much as possible as it is a Grand Lake That Owes Us Nothing

happy new year jan.2 2025

Welcome to the new year. I’ll start by saying thank you to all our customers this year and last year. This weekend we still have a couple of our houses available. Texas is the nicest ice castle we rent out. It has a slide out a large kitchen counter a fireplace, oven, microwave, indoor biffy, can sleep 5. Tezas is only open one other weekend this year feb. 7th weekend. The second house we have open is the yeti Tennessee. she is also a nice house with oven microwave indoor biffy tv dvd player can sleep 4.
My fishing reports are much harder to write when I’m not spending anytime on the lake with our customers. It’s always such a treat when I step in to say hi and someone catches or misses a bite while I’m visiting. Kristeen and her son spent 2 nights in the Teneessee. They caught just enough fish to keep him entertained. She said they will be back, which has been one of my goals all these years to get repeat customers. Sometimes I do things a little different than other outfitters and or businesses. I’m fine with that. If it works why change
Bobby and her pup were in Montana she got a few fish 13. She also had a couple friends that set up their wheelhouse close buy. They may be heading to lake of the woods.
Old Minnesota had mark and his wife Julie. They did some fish.
Brian had 3 kids here for a night They are playing a hockey tournament in Bemidji they did get a few last night that they cooked up.
The guys in north dakota were friends of dusty . I know the boys moved them to a fresh spot yesterday.
The boys have another busy day cleaning and moving houses for the coming weekend. Last night California had a school of the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Jake called me last night and wanted to know the limit. Utah checked in late so we will see how they do there here for a few days.
I get the stitches out of my back today or should I say staples. I’m not good with pain and that sounds painful. The back is tender to the touch , I also think I should still stay off the lake. I’m defiantly brain foggy. The hammer figures it’s the pain pills I’ve been taking. Some up here call this week still he$$ week. The guys have been doing great I’m assuming there working like a fine-tuned piano, A well-oiled machine. I know we had a couple generators go down, so Dusty is taking care of that.
A few other houses have gotten an elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie on a Grand Lake That OWES Us Nothing Nothing,!

Dec. 30th 2024

Jonny boy and Dusty have been jumping since Th 26th as this is always the busiest week of the season. It’s impossible for me to keep track of all the customers we have coming and going. I can say the houses have had some slow fishing, decent fishing plus some epic fishing. I would say 90 % of the fish have been caught pre-dawn, dusk and throughout the evening. The rattle wheels have been active . Tim And Joy are here for a few days. The first night they never heard the rattle wheels. They had a exciting morning landing a 19-inch walleye with every rattle wheel stripped and tangled into one gigantic nest of fishing line so they never heard 4 rattle wheels.. When Jonny boy had time, he went over to the shack and put all new line on them.
Chang and his crew had Texas our biggest ice castle with the slide out. They loved the house They caught fish all three days with the last night great fishing. One of them also caught A bonus elusive but still catchable upper red lake crappie. One of the other houses managed to also catch one. Colorado’s owner Bob was here for a few days they went out searching for the motherlode of these elusive fish landing 5 the first day.
Matt was here for montana a couple nights with his daughters. They have only caught a few fish here’s hoping they did better last night. Not working on the lake leaves me lost when houses are moved and who’s in them. I think the girls wanted me to come out and swallow a live minnow for them for luck.
Logan had a crew up last Thursday Friday Saturday they had 3 of the houses rented I think they all went home with a limit plus cooked a few.
Boar and Lori were here for the weekend I met Boar at westwind for a few pieces of fish as he had gotten there fish to go.
There has been a little benefit from not out on the lake working. I can manage the books take care of endless phone calls and message’s. My fishing reports are a whole different thing as not working or being on the lake I almost have no clue what’s happening out there. The fog rolled in last night. I would have a very slim chance of finding the houses out there at this time. I have not driven blue thunder on the lake this year. Shes my baby and has been a great truck for many many years. Rusty trusty I have not driven since summer. The red Baron just sits there wishing he was fixed.
I have talked to a few customers this morning plus Jonny boy. Darrin, Dan, Mel all fished last night. Everyone said the fishing was slow with lookers just swimming away. If you even touched the line they were gone. But at some point, today someone will have had great fishing? Upper red lake has given so many people the best fishing of their life’s. Thats just one of the reasons that make her such a grand lake.
The back feels just a little bit better it still hurts if I get into black beauty. I was thinking at some time today I would like to sneak out there and see how it feels. My drs orders are no bending, twisting or lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk.
The guys are doing a great job out there. I’ve only had one complaint .

Christmas day 2024

Merry Merry Christmas to all.
I do have a fishing report from the few fisher people.
Sam and Allie in Montana have put the smack down on fish yesterday. When I stopped in for a brief moment, they were up to 25 fish landed. Another Sam staying in Florida fish house he got 6 Monday, Jordon and Maranda arrived for Florida yesterday they had caught a few.
Elvis came up to use his house Tennessee. Yesterday he caught half a dozen so far and lost a big fish this morning. Josh was here with his crew in Colorado. There are friends of the owner of Colorado. They were here Sunday, Monday and limited out.. Is nice giving out a better fishing report. Mel and Dan are up here in there house. Mel has caught way more than Dan but Dan is getting all their rentals ready D @ D fish house rentals on upper red lake. Starting tomorrow Jonny boy and Dusty will be busting their a$$ off. Darrin will be coming back up to help out. Were pretty much full un tell jan 2nd. Darrin and Dan may have something Dan’s taking the reservations his phone is 218 428 8904.
Yesterday I did venture out on to the lake with black beauty, the back did not care to much for that. Driving very slow I felt every bump. I did get to stop and say hi to Sam and Allie then I bee lined it back home. I need to be patience period.
Hillmans highway is now over 5 miles straight out. Wide enough to land a 747.There is not much broken ice this year as they did not have to bust through but a couple very small area’s
I would say the average ice depth is 16 inches. With this warmer weather coming we will not be making much ice on a Grand Lake That Owes Us Nothing!!!