Besides the fishing I have done yesterday was the first day I spent the entire day on the lake and it sure felt good to be back. All three of the deluxe houses are blocked, banked and ready to auger for the up and coming weekend. Utah will also be going out today as I spend another entire day on the lake. Of course I had 1 hiccup as the heater in one of the houses quit working. I had tested it out on shore with no problems running it for two days as I cleaned and repaired a few things. When I pulled it out of the woods it set out on the lake in the snow storm and ran like a champ?
Kellie and I may have dinner in old Minnesota tonight to kick off the season. It’s her favorite house and also mine. We have all 5 sleepers rented for the weekend which is good news for our pocket books.
The Red Baron is at the shop waiting to be picked up. New lock outs were in order as well as a cooling sensor and new battery.
Ouch but that is the nature of the beast. Blue thunder performed well and I even did a little cross country drive to Westwind road looking for the gas man when the furnace went out.
I have committed to going out of Agassiz again this year as he is willing to go to the north shore if need be. I tried to make arrangements to go out of Hillmens but they seem to have plenty of business and do not need me. I do miss Westwind and they are the premier resort here and run a first class operation.
Jeff from Agassiz is one of the hardest workers I have ever met. He built a wood shop this fall and is selling some tables, fish measuring boards, picture frames and other unique pieces of wood. We bought a picnic table from him last year and will more then likely get another for our guest when there staying here in the summer. They are one of a kind and made out of cedar.
If you need to butter up to the sweetheart when your in Waskish stop by Sandy‘s as you come in to town, she has all sorts of antiques and things made form the area.
North Country convenience store has all munchies a guy would need and also offer off sale. The owner Frank and Jana are super nice people. The wife Kellie works there so who knows maybe you can meet the better half. They also offer wild rice grown and packaged from the farmer I work for, Rinestone farms.
Which ever resort you go out of this winter please be careful and use common sense. Stay away from the berm Hillmens has built along the south side of there road as it will turn into slush at some point in time and it’s not a good place to get stuck. Good luck to all.
Category Archives: Fishing Report
December 17, 2008
Digging out of the snow storm from Sunday on Monday did not go to well. After all the planning and prepping blue thunder this fall the front driveshaft wore out. . My trip to Bemidji to find a driveshaft failed as the cold decided to eat the power steering pump on the little red truck that could and I never made it to Bemidji. So yesterday morning I again headed out to get the part. I was able to install the new used part when I got back yesterday afternoon and blue thunder is up and running again.
I did manage to go out on the lake to give her a test drive and check California. There is quite a bit of snow drifted around it. It looks like the best option will be to move it instead of moving all that snow.
Tomorrow will be busy as I clean up the area I plan on bringing the houses to. There’s a fair amount of snow out there. I think most are glad we had some decent ice before we got dumped on. I know I wished it would not have snowed but it’s not something we can control so you have to do the best with what you’re dealt. Mother Nature 1 cookie 0