Wow I sure drop the ball when it comes to fishing reports on here.
The new slot limit took effect on the 15th of June and man was the access busy monday the 15th. the weather had a huge effect as I have no idea where all the boats come from for the day but it looked like opener out there and the fishing was a little to good.
The fishing has now slowed a bit but were still finding some fish and its nice to be able to keep a couple over 17 inches. One fish over 18 would easly feed the wife and I.
i took Greg,niel nad Mark fishing yesterday and we had a pretty good day. They ended up keeping 8 fish inbetween 15 to 18 1/2 inches. the sheephead were also biting which kept us busy as well as Neil landing a beautiful 32 inch pike. the guys in the cabin did real well and got plenty of fish for a fish fry. Last friday I took Don out in the morning and we got 3 for him to take home all inbetween 18 and 19 inches.
Category Archives: Fishing Report
Rob and his crew headed home yesterday. they did manage to find two more of the elusive upper red lake crappie and a few keeper walleyes. They hope to make it back in August and camp on the river lot.
starting next monday the slot goes up to any fish under 20 inches. Not sure what to expect as I have not had any calls for lodging.I expect we will see a lot of day trippers that just drive up for the day.
I’m not sure how to get the wife to go fishing with me. She a fair weather fishermen and the temps will not cooperate.
I guess I will have to fish by myself untill we get some nicer weather
Allmost a month into the season and the walleye bite has been study. The tamarac river had slowed down quite a bit but has picked up a bit. Most have been to big to keep. i caught a very fat chunky 19 incher yesterday off the dock which was nice to see. All of our guest have had pretty good successs so far this season. We are starting to see more of the smaller walleyes biting on the break line and less of the bigger fish which tells me the bigger fish may be heading out to a little deeper water. Ive taken a few fishermen fishing so far this season and we have not been skunked so thats good.
The wife and I hope to get out and do a little fishing ourselfs. I have a couple of areas I want to check out and she likes to bobber fish so we will give that a try. I have not had much luck finding and numbers of crappies this season although I did here a a couple of boats they may have hit the mother load. Frank,Ryan and Rodger had some real good fishing last night between 7 and 9 and were way impressed They were only here for one night and are out fishing now before they head home. Rob and his crew are here one more night and have had a nice relaxing vacation. There were a couple of day where the wind was just to much for there smaller pontoon so they just hung out and fished the river. With little wind today they are hitting it hard there last day here.
fishing opener
We had a full house for opener with some friends even staying down on the lake shore in the fish houses. It was quite the spectacle on the river as boat after boat landed walleye after waleye. I was hosting my brother from chicago and he also wanted to fish the river as everyone was spanking them. Saturday afternoon we had a huge fish fry down at the lakewith all are friends. The guys in the cabins also had good fishing. sunday the bite was quite a bit different with the welcome sunshine and you had to work for them on the river. By Late sunday afteernoon the bite piaked up real well on the lake. We have guests again this weekned I will be fishing the lake hard for the next 3 out of 4 days. It looks like we will be battleing some weather but thats nothing new here as your always taking on mother nature
Crappie Hunt 2009
A big thanks goes out to all the perticapated in our get together.
Rick,The greek,Micke,Bill,Roy,John,Lee,Harry,Ben,Sam,Nate,Todd,Sadie, Tyler,Al,Mike,Steve,James,Gordy,Al,John,Spense, Josh,Tony,Jake,Jeff,Chris another Gordy and Chris’s friend.
It was a good turn out and we found a few of the elusive upper red lake crappies. Jeff’s fire put a little bummer on things for me and I’m sorry about that.
Friday afternoon I checked in most of the guests and then took a few that wanted to fish to a area I had marked some dirty and rough ice. We managed to catch the first crappie of the weekend “way to go Greek” and quite a few wallleye’s that were released.
Saturday morning was the big day as we headed out of Hillmen’s to the area I had Utah and picked up two crappies a couple of weeks ago.
We all spread out and fired up the augers.It was a fishy area and Sam the youngest of the group Todd’s son landed the first crappie a Dandy 14 3/4. What a smile that kid had on his face, Jake landed the second crappie minutes later.Al tied into a pike and again a few perch and walleye were also caught.
Not sure why we decided to move other then we were looking for the mother load. We got the cook shack hooked up and had a little trouble but were on the move after a few minutes.
The next area we ventured to was a rarea we did well two years ago. Again everyone spread out as the greek got the food going. The coney’s were a huge success and the fishing was not so good in that area. Ben managed to catch a crappie about the time we decided to make another move.
We stopped briefly at the cribbs as I had to go help Chris as His truck had quit running. We then headed south east looking for rough ice. Chris had gotten 4 crappie saturday morning where they had set up camp and some how John and Spense hooked up with Chris and found the mother load while the rest of us spread out on a huge patch of rough ice.
Jake and Tony hooked up with John and Spense and they managed to get over 30 crappies in that area. Everyone else was spread out over a 1/4 mile on the rough ice.
I headed off the lake around 5pm and when I got to shore the red baron coughed and missed and quit running?
After dinner I headed out with blue thunder to deal up the cards for the prizes.
The Fishing trip with me went to Jonh with aces over 7s
The fishing trip in alaska with the greek went to Al with Kings over 8s.
The mystrey dinner theater tickets went to the greek with Jacks over 10s
The two pack of fishing poles went to Sam the youngest for catching the first crappie saturday morning. He is going to be a great fishermen. The tip ups went to Tyler and Nate and I will give them there prizes next time I see them as they seemed to of gotten missplaced.
Again thanks to all that attended . It was a great turnout with 30 fishermen all having a good time.
After saying goodbye to all sunday Tony,Josh,Jake and I got busy and hauled the houses off the lake. They are now all sitting in front of my place and will be going into there spots on land the next few days.
Looking at the lake yesterday it looks as though alot of the water has went into the lake and the ice is High and dry.I will no more when I venture out the next day or two. I’m sure there are some holes where water drained but the fishing should only get better with all the fresh water running into the lake. As long as the shore line holds together we may be fishing for a couple more weeks.
Again thanks to all and I hope to have some type of get together again next year.
whos in
Now that the walleye and pke season are coming to a close it sure will be fun to get a big group together for the end of the hard water season. This is a open invetation to all. Bring your hard houses or just come for the day. I have started a note book to give me a idea of who coming.Don’t miss out and do not beleave theres no crappies left. I will be having my son Joe post pics of the crappies I see caught. This will be the time to get that wall mounter as its hard to tell if there any little scuffits coming up the ladder. I think there are but only time will tell
Check out the crappies
fishing get together
We are having a fishing get together chasing the elusive red lake crappie. These fish are highly edgucated and we need a army to find them. we willbe serving up coney while we pepper the lake march 21rst, We also have a few great gifts to give away. If you need lodging we can set you up or bring your hard house. Tony and brian both caught one last night so theres still a few around Just give me a call 218 556 6197
Day 60 Feb 16, 2009
Here we go again. Don and his crew of 10 were some great guys and said they will be back next year. They did not take home limits but got enough to have a fish fry.
Dewey and his crew of 8 also had some action but it was on the slower side. They also enjoyed there stay and I’m sure will be back next year. They had a great meal of barbecue venison and cole slaw for me Friday evening when I was doing the rounds and after not eating all day man did that hit the spot. Alaska did real well as well as California. Both those house were in closer to shore. Alaska caught a crappie as well as Florida.
A few big pike were lost with one over 36 landed yesterday. Kellie and I were visiting her cousin and she was jigging Chris’s rod when a very large pike ripped the rod right out of her hand. Down the hole it went. When I lowered Jeff’s camera down I saw the rod of the lake floor and turned to see the pike. He then took off and the rod went flying by the camera man did we laugh. They ended up tagging into the same pike the next day .They had him up to the hole but he broke off. The bright side is they did catch the line in the process and got Chris’s rod and reel back.
Bob and Jacky fished old Minnesota. I made them burrito’s Saturday night and man were they good. Jacky caught two big walleye and one was over 24 inches not sure how big the other one was but they caught enough fish to take home a meal or two. All in all another good weekend, the rain made a mess of things and now everything is rock hard from the cold temps. We have some tough work ahead of us this week as again Mother Nature has showed us not to look the other way.
Day 59 Feb 15, 2009
It’s hard to believe that walleye and pike will be closing in a little over a week. From the road traffic I have seen this year we have not even come close to denting our quota. Were making ice as I type and the game fish season is winding down. Mother Nature has kicked me in the face all year but that’s nothing new. I had Jake try a new area Friday and he was told if he wanted to fish there he should buy Hudec’s.
That put an idea is his head and he wants to look at buying something on the north shore. He really has fallen in love with the area and is becoming a very good friend. He says his son Gabriel was conceived while camping on the shores on upper red lake and it’s in his blood now. Must of been one of those days when it was to windy to fish.
I will have a full fishing report from the weekend tomorrow but the fishing again was decent Friday and as the temps dropped the fish quit biting. Spence and John had 7 crappies yesterday afternoon. I will get a pic and try to get them posted on the internet. They had to work for them but feel it was well worth
it. I met them three years ago when I offered half price if you bring a kid fishing. That worked out well so I will offer that again the rest of the ice season. Bring a kid fishing and my houses are half price the rest of the ice season. Were not throwing in the towel and will be pursuing crappies the rest of the ice season. I have to hit the lake now and auger some holes.