Good news is old minnesota produced 22 fish from when I had talked to pat until the next morning. Florida,montana,and idaho were a little on the slow side last night . I sent some of the guys out to fish california and new york they were getting a few more fish. Idaho had 5 keepers and are here until thursday.
The greek had the energy to go fishing for a bit tonight but did not do well. I had talked to Brady ealier and they had there 8 so I would assume its a day bite in that area
Category Archives: Fishing Report
Dec 27th fishing report
We finaly found some good fishing. California was the hot house and had 15 keepers when I saw them having dinner ay westwinds. They came in and cleaned enough for a meal perfectly prepaired in westwinds kitchen. New York was also catching fish but seemed to be missing more then they were landing. Old minnesota was the slowest of the three houses but that could of changed since I talked to them last night as the sunset.
The sunset was spectacular is the only word I can give it. I will lay you money there were many many pics taken of that sunset last night. Some day I will leard how to post pics so I can better share some of the sights here on upper red lake.
We still have houses open on weekends and weekdays for anyone that would like to experiance red lake.
A few of my loyal cusomers I have not heard from. mark and sandy,dave and dallas, Bob and Jacky
Jim Stan and Randy did not do so well. they were fishing for pike with big sucker minnows as well as fat heads. They did catch a few walleyes but nothing to brag about.
Jim had his big pike on and lost it at the hole.They also lost a smaller one.
We have had about 7 inches of snow so far. It seems its not as wet as they pritacted so thats good.
It gets real busy for me starting today as I have a 3 houses that need to be on the lake by sunday eve. Now throw in mother nature and its a whole new ball of wax. Oh well you will never beat her so you try and plan to atleast keep her in check. As always its looks like another challenging season which makes it so much fun. Gotta love it as it keeps you on your toes
Our first weekend
Pat and barb headed to lotw after spending the weekend in our florida fish house. This was there second year and they seemed to have a good time. they were able to have fresh fish for dinner and may of taken a couple keepers home. I did not get to say goodbye as I was in church sunday morning when they pulled out. Ari,Chris and jessie also caught some fish but also got a ticket for keeping a fish in the slot. Oops
Thegreek wa here helping me and we now have 4 of our 8 houses on the lake. we did some fishing in his portable and fished utah but did not have much luck. Atleast were finding not where to put the houses.
Jim.stenny and Randy spent the night in pld minnesota and I willbe checking on them later this morning.
Dec 18th
well I guess its official for me as of yesterday we now have three house on the lake. Montana,old minneota and florida. The greek spent the night in montana and I am headed out to see how he did and wet a line myself.. barb and Pat will be rolling in this morning,followed by Arie and his buddies folllowed by Bill the plumber. I’m sure the greek will want to wet a line again tonight so we will be getting more of the house’s ready to hit the lake.
Dec 13
Spent just a little time on the lake yesterday. I measured just over 9 inches about 1/4 mile out. I would say there were 20 fishermen on the lake yesterday. I did here of a 41 inch pike caught. Buddy has staked a road out 7 miles and Ryan has staked a road out around 3.
Talked to Dean yesterday he is the new owner of Hudecs. They have renamed it beacons harbor. He Gave me a tour of what they have done so far and the rooms look great. I think he plans on having lodging by the first of the year if everything goes as planned. It will be nice to be able to send a few friends and fishermen out of there this winter to do some fishing/scoutting.
The greek will be helping me this year and searching for crappies in his spare time. He will be offering one on one guiding or groups through me if any one is interested in chasing the elusive but still catchable red lake crappie
were making ice
Well it took a while but were making ice now. the greek tried out infront of our place tonight but never got a bite. I personnly a’m never in a hurry to be the first one out there. A fish is just a fish and I can wait a few days until I feel totally comfortable with the conditions. It looks like we have a nice string of cold weather so thats a plus. A few of the locals have caught a couple of walleyes but no one is pounding them that I know of. I expect with the reports a few fishermen will be up here next weekend.
still fishing
The fishing had been pretty slow until I had Rick and Monty last week Sept 15th and 16th. We did fairly well as they ate fish both nights they were here and also took home 6. I also kept two for the wife to take down to here dads. jake was up the 17,18th and 19th and the fishing went back to poor? i will be taking Kellie and here mom out tonight so we will see if they are hungry.
were still fishing kinda
The fishing got a little tougher since my last report. I had the pleasure of taking Brian and Jim from chicago last weekend. the winds were very nasty and made for some tough fishing. Both days we had to work our way over to the north shore as the waves we realing rolling in. the first day we had fun catchiung some sheephead but the walleye did not cooperate. saturday the wind were about the same 20 mph out of the northwest. After catching two sheephead and one small walleye I decided we should try fishing the wind blown side of the lake. We manage to catch one 19 inch walleye drifting. After 5 drifts through the same general area I threw in the towel and we called it a day.
Today I was able to get out for 2 hours from 11am till 1 and managed two catch two 19 inch walleyes.One drifting the other trolling. lets hope things are looking up as my mom amd dad are coming up from Iowa this weekend and it would be nice to catch some fish while there here.
The wihe Kellie and I did a little fishing yesterday July 3rd. We got on the lake around 11 am . The first area we fished we drifted jigs as Kellie did not want to troll. After landing two sheephead we headed out deeper. After throwing out a marker to mark the spot we played the kight wind and drifted over the area. The first drift we both landed a small waleye. The second driftalso produce a small walleye and a miss. The third drift landed a keeper walleye. All the fish seemed to becoming in about the same spot so I anchored up wind , It did not take that long to catch another keeper and again a few smaller ones. After are third keeper we pulled anchor and went for a short ride to cool off. I then anchored closer to are marker and Kellie tagged into a big pike. The battle was on as I tried to insturct her so we could land the fish. she did a great job as the fish made numerous runs everytime we had it near the boat. With the big net in hand i was able to get the fish in the net and unhook the jig. kellie got the camera out and I held the pike up for a quick pic.We were able to release the fish unharmed a beautiful pike just under 40 inches.