day 53

we now have had house on the lake for 53 days. i have been on the lake 49 of those days. I’m still not burned out but its easy to fall asleep befoere nine oclock at night. I still wake up way to early though. The fishing has just been soo so all year in my book. Houses have never produced 50 fish in one day and I need to see a picture if they are. On a good weekend we might have a house that gets over 20 which in my eyes is good walleye fishing considering I have been to other walleye lakes and never caught one.
The season has been fun again and if it wasn’t for my return customers it would be a rougher season. Thanks guys and gals/fisherpeople as Joe would say.
We still have open houses through out the rest of the season and I offer 20% off midweek.
We will again be having our crappie hunt march 12th and 13th. I have two great giveaway prizes one is 2 tickets to the Mystry cafe with a room and the marriot. One of the nicest rooms I have ever stayed in a 250 dollar value. I’m also offering a full day in out 20 foot tyee and one night in our cabin.
Now for the fishing report/It was a little slow this weekend. Tony and Nels had 5 quality fish as of yesterday and they are out deeper. I have worked big reef all season and most of the action has been in the evning as the walleye come onto the reef to feed. Its been just good enough fishing to keep moving them around the area but it may be time to move to deeper water.
Shawn and his family have florida and when I stopped in last night it was a little slow. Matt had montana and had a group of four from 3 different countries. Laura and Tatina were from colombia. valatina was from chili and Luis was from venezuela. They went home with 7 or eight fish and I gave them a couple that I aquired. Jonny boy was up with two friends and they went out on sleds friday and found three of the elusive butr still catcheble upper red lake crappies. they tried the same place yesterday with no luck. they have gotten a few walleyes in old minneota on big reef they even got one on a tip up
The greek and I will be doing some serious scoutting this week before we move the house 5 to 7 miles out. battling mother nature is tough and being that far out can really take a toll on the equipment. Blue thunder is going in for a new clutch. 5 years and she s ready. I have all new wires and plugs for the red baron and need to address that sooner the later. The greeks ford Three wheel is parked for the season as the cluth is shot.The greeks dodge only has 1rst gear and reverse but has turned into a work horse and have nick named it the work horse. the little red truck that could also has a worn out cluth and has not been driven in over a month,

Just as I expected

The weather station kept saying winter storm warning. But it just kept getting warmer ,,Sunday eve it finaly hit. What a mess. All the ice road were filled in. All the resorts have dug out and every house on the lake has snow drifts around them causing flooding. the greek and I will be moving them all today and I can gaurentee there will be more then one cuss word today. Old minesota never got fished and willl have to be moved. that spot will be marked as I have a gut feeling thats the mother load. We have two and half days to prep for the weekend.lets hope things go well

mother nature has reared

This last weekend was quite the weather. The temps were hoovering around 30 all weekend. As I was coming off the lake sunday night I saw my first snow flurries. 4 hours later it was getting real ugly out there real fast. with the snow coming down sideway we could say good bye to all the roads.Yesterday was just as I expected and for the first time in 8 years there was no way I would be getting my customers to there houses.We found lodging for them last night and will be working are way out to the houses this morning so they can wet a line. wayne went home with only 3 fish but we had fun playing poker and I took 14 dollars off him playing xbox. I also retrived his fishing rod that went down a hole on saturday.Compltly by accident but I get the credit.Mort, lars and Paul went home with 6 keepers and caught and missed a few more.
Jordaon,Tonya,Eric and Sherry are hunkered down in florida and snow in until we can get to them today. they were fine last night when we took the sled out to check on them and were getting ready to have a fish fry

dropping the balll on my fishing reports

OOPs. The greeek and I stayed busy this week as we moves all the houses on to fresh ice. Rob,Amy and Mel stayed for 3 nights and had a grand time. They caught a few fish and partied like rock stars. They sure are a nice crew to have as they never complain about the fishing its alll about getting away for them.
Pete and his family fished california and did really well landing a few fish 20. Last night when I checked on them they were up to 15. Dons crew of 10 had very poor fishing and are ready to move even thogh the houses have not been fished for 24 hours. I will spend the day moving them closer to california if thats what they want to do.
Wayne will be coming up tonight so I will be spending some time with him and his son playing xbox and fishing

viking game special

Heres the deal we have a group that came up today and friday so they will be leaving saturday. Idaho our house with satilite tv is open saturday sunday I will offer 50 % off so thats one night free plus you get to fish while watching the vikes playoff game

The fishing

This year we have been working big reef with mixed results. The rocks are scatter and you would think we would be pounding the fish . we have had some good nights followed by not so good nights. the main basin seems to have good fishing for one night then the next night it slow to dead. Atleast with the suttle stucture there is a little more consistancy. I will be moving california today and plan on making a major move to try a whole new area. Utah will also be getting moved a sthis is jakes favorit house. Better get to work

another weekend has gone bye

With hi hopes and all the houses on new spots I expected better fishing then we had. Tom,Lenard,Matt and Mike had a nice meal of fresh fish saturday night but did not take any home.
Carol and Al spent there weekend in old minnnesoat and said they will be back next year as they loved the charm of the house. They also had fish for super and took home 6. John and his crew pulled out before I could say goodbye as well as the guys in utah who were only here saturday night. Tony and his two budddies had the worst fishing and left two fish for me so I assume thats all they kept.
Kellie and I fished in minnesota last night and she caught 3 and I lost one on the rattle wheel. gary and Kay fished in Idaho and had one in the bucket with a few misses.
We have a big week this week and if I want house on fresh spots for everyone I will be moving most of the houses twice.

jan 4th

Well we got everyone on the road after a pretty succesful weekend. Most caught fish with montana being the hot house and sara having the hot hole landing 20 walleyes here self.
Andy and his crew had a great time in old minnesota and idaho. Florida did well news years but was a little slower after that. California was horrible after we moved it less then 50 feet where it was really good. Utah out of beacon harbor did all right but we would still like to find a elusive but still catchable upper red lake crappie or two out there. We will moving all the houses again this week and still have montana and Utah open next weekend plus are day house and cabin. I guess fishermen are also feeling the effects of the economy


What a way to kick off the season with a full house. 35 below right now. We had dinner last night with the new owners of Beacon harbor and I commented to Dean what a challenge it is out there and how much I enjoy beng out there. No sooner then I made that statement and one of the generators had problems due to the cold. No sooner then I delt with that one and the other one did the same thing. Nothing like working on the lake at night when the temps are hovering around 28 below. Of course the fishing went from real good to real poor in a hurry. Errr when will a guy learn to keep his mouth shut. Oh well you have to take it with a grain of salt. Its still alot of fun taking on mother nature and things always happen for a reason.I will be makingg the rounds earlier then usaual this morning and it is just bitter out

Happy new year

Here we go to another new year. we now have all the houses on new spots and will be augering the holes later this morning. Pat and his crew were having walleyes for snacks last night when I checked in on them.
The greek, leah his better half my better half Kellie and I all had supper out on the ice last night. The fishing was slow we did catch one to small and a 18 incher. we put in a movie but the greek and I were dozing off from all the hard work and freash air. The greek had great fishing the night before with the rattles wheels and had to pull them to get any sleep. We have a full house the next two days then it slows way down with houses still open next weekend? The greek and I will move all the houses again next week as thats the way I like to do things. Its so nice to have a house on a fresh spot for our customers even if its 50 feet away from where the house was.