The wife Step mother and stepbrother came up for a visit and wanted to go fishing while they were here. We headed out around 4 pm to see if we could catch dinner. As we were just going for a boat ride first to show them some of the area cabins and lakeshere property I was surprised how many fish I was seeing on the lorance fish finder. When we got down in front of my dads lakeshore property he owned before his untimly death 34 years ago I decided we would start there first. Tj had never caught a walleye so we sure wanted him to get at least one. It did not take long before both Linda and TJ missed a fish. I assumed they must of been little .A bit later Linda got a nice 18 inch keeper, followed bu a fat 15. Not long after that TJ got his first walleye a nice 15 incher. Not long afater that Tj was getting hungry so we called it a night and headed to westwind to have them cook up our catch.YUMMMMY another excellent job westwinf. It sure was nice to see the walleye starting to bite again.
To my surprise I stilll have not had a taker on my golfing special?
The wife Step mother and stepbrother came up for a visit and wanted to go fishing while they were here. We headed out around 4 pm to see if we could catch dinner. As we were just going for a boat ride first to show them some of the area cabins and lakeshere property I was surprised how many fish I was seeing on the lorance fish finder. When we got down in front of my dads lakeshore property he owned before his untimly death 34 years ago I decided we would start there first. Tj had never caught a walleye so we sure wanted him to get at least one. It did not take long before both Linda and TJ missed a fish. I assumed they must of been little .A bit later Linda got a nice 18 inch keeper, followed bu a fat 15. Not long after that TJ got his first walleye a nice 15 incher. Not long afater that Tj was getting hungry so we called it a night and headed to westwind to have them cook up our catch.YUMMMMY another excellent job westwinf. It sure was nice to see the walleye starting to bite again.
To my surprise I stilll have not had a taker on my golfing special?
The wife Step mother and stepbrother came up for a visit and wanted to go fishing while they were here. We headed out around 4 pm to see if we could catch dinner. As we were just going for a boat ride first to show them some of the area cabins and lakeshere property I was surprised how many fish I was seeing on the lorance fish finder. When we got down in front of my dads lakeshore property he owned before his untimly death 34 years ago I decided we would start there first. Tj had never caught a walleye so we sure wanted him to get at least one. It did not take long before both Linda and TJ missed a fish. I assumed they must of been little .A bit later Linda got a nice 18 inch keeper, followed bu a fat 15. Not long after that TJ got his first walleye a nice 15 incher. Not long afater that Tj was getting hungry so we called it a night and headed to westwind to have them cook up our catch.YUMMMMY another excellent job westwinf. It sure was nice to see the walleye starting to bite again.
To my surprise I stilll have not had a taker on my golfing special?
Spent two hours on the lake last night with The wifes mom and brother. We managed to get 3 keepers in a short time with a couple of misses.Then it was off to westwind resort to have them cook um up Yummy freash walleye for dinner
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