dec 24th

Yesterday after church I headed out on the lake to see how chuck and Deb did. The fish started to bite around 10pm and kept Chuck from getting a good nights sleep. I had told them I would move the house if they were game. Chuck wanted me to put the house where they bite from 3pm to 10 pm? I guess I’m not sure how to do that but I did move the house out a little deeper and a lettle further from the main road. John and Angie stayed put and for the second time someone has proposed in old minnesota? She said yes so both my boys proposed to there true loves yesterday. Wow and they did not even know.
We have everything booked dec 25th through the 29th then we have somthing open every weekend at this time.
Everyone have a merry christmas and safe new year


Bobby”s crew of 7 ended up with 25 total keepers so it was not great but what I would consider good.The boys had one two many and they awoke saturday morning with all there lines tangled . Jim and yogi went home with 8 and seemed satisfied.
Chuck and deb checked into florida and John and Angie checked into minnesota. Neither house was doing much last night so today may again be moving day.

With Bobby’s crew all helping the move went really well. All three deluxe house’s were moved a mile further out blocked,banked and augered in less then 3 hours. The fishing improved right away with Ron catching a bonus elusive upper red lake crappie out of his potable. Kellie and I visitted Daral and Bobby while Ann and Ron cooked up a fresh fish fry in old minnesota..
Yogi and Jim checked into california and then headed off in there portable. They had 5 when I checked in on them last night.
Josh,Blake,Chris and angela stayed in the cabin two nights and took there wheelers off my place and headed south. They had good fishing and said they would deffintly come back again. Man they sure cleaned up the cabin as you would of never known any one stayed in there Thanks guys.

Not even one week in to the season and I have moved california twice and florida once. Yesterday Mike and his crew were up to nine when I checked in with them .They were spose to call me so I had a idea if there was a evning bite in the spot they were fishing. I have not talked to the guys in the cabin to see how there fared yesterday.
Bobby and here crew roll in today and have three of my four houses so I set them up in a triangle with in shouting distance so they should have a good time. Next week its get real busy then slows way down with open house over new years and every weekend in jan.except the 18th and 19th.
As the ice thickens I will migrate to new areas but as of now we should be good

the snow missed us

Welll even though we need the moisture it was good the snow missed us. There were quite a few fishermen on the lake again this weekend with good fishing reports. The first early ice fishing sure has taken off the last two years. The guys in the cabin did real well both days and had a good time. Our houses are still in the woods but ready to go . Now I just need to be patient as we slowly make ice.

Great News

Just talked to Tony the big lake specialist. They will be keeping the 4 fish limit, four under 20 through out the winter.
It will go back to under 17 for the 2013 opener.
It will be nice to see more of our fishermen taking home a meal or two.

This is the weekend

The weather the next 5 days looks nothing but spectacular. With no wind predicted and two calm days in the books I expect the fish to be snapping this weekend.
I pulled my boat out of the river as it made no sense having it there when I can not access the lake. I do have my brothers 16 foot boat and plan on taking that out of westwind to do some fishing and see if its possible to get my boat “Imagine That” out onto the lake.
Yesterday I saw one whole boat on the lake. Sounds like Bob,Rick and Ty will be up deer hunting over mea weekend.

fall is here

Wow the next week looks incredable weather wise..
I’m still trying to get some deer hunters to hunt up here so if anyone knows anyone that needs a new area to hunt just shoot me a call or email.
I have not had a lot of hunters like granma did but I will keep working on it. She had bear hunters grouse hunters and deer hunters. There plenty of area to hunt up here if you like to hunt. Plus if you have a wolf permit you might get lucky as Bob saw two a few years back and ty saw one on bobs gut pile the day after bob shot a nice buck.
I pulled my boat out of the river and will be taking my brothers boat out fishing sometime this next week as the weather looks like its going to be beautiful

fall plans

My plans again this fall is to fish as much as I can afford. This fall were also dealing with very low water conditions so theres some days I can not even get” Imagine That” our boat on the lake. The dnr or who ever is resposible for keeping the mouth of the river dredged out are dropping the ball. Huh Imagine That

fall fishing

The wife Step mother and stepbrother came up for a visit and wanted to go fishing while they were here. We headed out around 4 pm to see if we could catch dinner. As we were just going for a boat ride first to show them some of the area cabins and lakeshere property I was surprised how many fish I was seeing on the lorance fish finder. When we got down in front of my dads lakeshore property he owned before his untimly death 34 years ago I decided we would start there first. Tj had never caught a walleye so we sure wanted him to get at least one. It did not take long before both Linda and TJ missed a fish. I assumed they must of been little .A bit later Linda got a nice 18 inch keeper, followed bu a fat 15. Not long after that TJ got his first walleye a nice 15 incher. Not long afater that Tj was getting hungry so we called it a night and headed to westwind to have them cook up our catch.YUMMMMY another excellent job westwinf. It sure was nice to see the walleye starting to bite again.

To my surprise I stilll have not had a taker on my golfing special?

The wife Step mother and stepbrother came up for a visit and wanted to go fishing while they were here. We headed out around 4 pm to see if we could catch dinner. As we were just going for a boat ride first to show them some of the area cabins and lakeshere property I was surprised how many fish I was seeing on the lorance fish finder. When we got down in front of my dads lakeshore property he owned before his untimly death 34 years ago I decided we would start there first. Tj had never caught a walleye so we sure wanted him to get at least one. It did not take long before both Linda and TJ missed a fish. I assumed they must of been little .A bit later Linda got a nice 18 inch keeper, followed bu a fat 15. Not long after that TJ got his first walleye a nice 15 incher. Not long afater that Tj was getting hungry so we called it a night and headed to westwind to have them cook up our catch.YUMMMMY another excellent job westwinf. It sure was nice to see the walleye starting to bite again.

To my surprise I stilll have not had a taker on my golfing special?
The wife Step mother and stepbrother came up for a visit and wanted to go fishing while they were here. We headed out around 4 pm to see if we could catch dinner. As we were just going for a boat ride first to show them some of the area cabins and lakeshere property I was surprised how many fish I was seeing on the lorance fish finder. When we got down in front of my dads lakeshore property he owned before his untimly death 34 years ago I decided we would start there first. Tj had never caught a walleye so we sure wanted him to get at least one. It did not take long before both Linda and TJ missed a fish. I assumed they must of been little .A bit later Linda got a nice 18 inch keeper, followed bu a fat 15. Not long after that TJ got his first walleye a nice 15 incher. Not long afater that Tj was getting hungry so we called it a night and headed to westwind to have them cook up our catch.YUMMMMY another excellent job westwinf. It sure was nice to see the walleye starting to bite again.

To my surprise I stilll have not had a taker on my golfing special?

Spent two hours on the lake last night with The wifes mom and brother. We managed to get 3 keepers in a short time with a couple of misses.Then it was off to westwind resort to have them cook um up Yummy freash walleye for dinner