By last night we has lost 90 % of the snow cover and the lake was awash with standing water . What snow was left was like driving through mash patatos . I always enjoy driving through the slush when its like that. I did have the auger on the back of blue thunder uncovered with the choked closed. When I went to start it before Duey and crew arrived I could not budge the pull cord as the cyclinder was full of water. When I was home in the afternoon I pulled the plug and pulled the cord a few dozen times. Put the plug in and she fired on the third pull gotta love my strikmaster.

I did get old minnesota to a new spot. I augered two holes and plan on fishing it a bit this weekend. Stopped and talked to Scott and they had there 7 and were just fishing c@r.
I also drove over to beacon harbors roads from the lake and from his place. Lyle and his guys are out there . They only had two keepers but were confident the spot was going to turn on. There was a very interesting looking area where the pressure ridge fades away to just a crack. It was like a large pool of 4 feet water. A guy sure would not want to drive into that. As long as Buddy’s house stays where its at, I have a mental note of where it is.
Driving down buddy’s road /hillmens you go over a a stretch of rough ice/ white ice it run ne to sw. Man is it bumpy for 300 yards . Theres another area further out but only 100 yards wide. The rough ice always has the chance of holding a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie, At the end of the road where the p[ressure ridge is there were a few shacks to the left and right. I know fishermen in both directions so will see how they have done. One time I had alaska sitting in front of a pressure ridge and a giant chunk cracked under the weight of the snow drift behind the house. It sunk about a foot. , I noticed the house looked funny but did not put it togeter untill I went to move it as the back half was frozen into the lake , It could of been worse but all the snow that blew in to the low spot insulated it from totaly freezing. It was still a chore getting it out.
Looks like the 2 to 7 inches of snow missed us. The winds are blowing as anything.I type and I plan on staying off the lake untill this afternoon unless Duey and his crew need

Amazing I think the temp hit 50 yesterday. I did drive along the pressure ridge out of hillmens around 3 and it looked the same.
Hoagie and Don did real well as of last night they had caught over 20 some to small but still fun to catch. They also lost a few fish. Remember a few is in the high teens back in the crappie days. A couple is over ten and some is two or three.
Scott and his buddie had some, I did not get his buddies name but I did miss one when I stopped and his buddie lost one while I was there. Yesterday I spent part of the day moving minnesota and putting new propane on all 4 houses for the up and coming cold snap. I also had to run the sweety to town, When we got back home I helped buddy on the road for a bit .The temps wiped out 70% of the snow if not more. Banking the house with nice wet slush will be interesting. Minnnesota is open for the weekend so the plan is just to bank it once the temps drop and we get some snow cover. I may move florida this morning before Duey and the horse whisper/Sue arrive. all though as well as Hoagie and don did it would be interesting to see how it does its third time fished?. I also have caifornia open as Tom decided he did not want to drive all the way from Iowa in to this weather. I have always looked at it as it’s minnesota people move about but coming home from mpls thanksgiving night? What one long white knuckle drive that took 7 and half hours.

Wow looking at the weather, red lake and mother nature are about to show her ugly side. As a local told me with all the emotion a guy could have its a “grand lake and it owes me nothing” Trying to plan for this one may be tough. Since the wife is under the weather maybe we should hunker down in old minnesota so were out there with the customers.
Today will be a extra busy day as I try and prepair for white out conditions

I again will be moving the houses for the up and coming weekend. Yesterday I moved montana and today I will move california, Minnesota is still open this weekend so will be the last one to move. Hoagie will be up today so I imagine I will have to move florida friday after they leave as I still have a problem with a house being in the same place for more then 3 days of fishing. There’s nothing worse then telling the customers the guys that were here yesterday did not do very well.
We got some more snow last night, and it will be getting harder to move the houses with out plowing first. Blue thunder again is the work horse of the fleet. The red barons v-plow needs a little work before it hits the ice and the dodge prospector has became the new scoutting truck.
The fishing has been deccent but the area I’m at has been pounded pretty hard and I will be looking for a new area the next couple of days. Duey and his better half the fish whisper will be here friday. They have been coming for years and its funny to look back and remember how duey was so concerned the first time he rented from us he has a million questions. Should be another fun weekend.

another good weekend

Everyone headed home today. It was nice seeing Ben and Shawna. They managed to ice 30 fish for the weekend . Ben was happy saying they did good considering they did not fish that hard.
Montan had Jake and his crew they did all right but only took home 10.In hindsite I should of moved them yesterday.
Florida had Ryan and his dad Terry. They enjoyed the house and also caught a round 30 fish give or take.
California was a little slow but they caught some fish .
I will be moving all the houses again this week with florida the first one to move this afternoon as les and his crew roll in tomorrow.
I have not talked much about the trucks blue thunder and the red baron as I do not want to jinxe them. The dodge prospector has turned into a pretty good truck as well

Making the rounds last night just as the sun was going down and the sunset was spectacular. Ben and Shawna were having action as well as Jake and his crew in montana. Headed out in a bit to get another outfitters houses ready as he is a no show due to vechicle problems. Ryan and his dad roll in this afteernoon for florida with california open untell tomorrow.

Tuesday night I only had one group in california. Two younger guys matt and kyle and there gals ashley and kyletta. They had some great fishing. They had some tip ups set for walleyes and landed some fish in the house. When I stopped to say goodbye mattt was releasing a 22 incher I was able to take a pic before they released her
Yesterday I moved florida and got minnesota set up for ben and shawna. Pat and Mike did well in montana so we will keep that there for atleast one night. I also will leave california where it is for one night.

new year

Moving Shelly, Chase and Chasity did not pay off as Kellie and I spent the new year fishing with them with limited success. Pat and Mike did well in montana so yesterday I moved minnesota and california out further to that area. Today I plan on moving florida and then getting Minnesota ready for ben amd shawna on thursday.
I still have two of my 4 houses open for the up and coming weekend jan 4, 5. California and montana.
Matt, Kyle and Ashly spent the night in california and I will be checking with them this morning.
It sure would be nice to have them rented 4 days a week then I would never have to turn the heat off.

the last couple of days

Pat, Rich,Ryan,Todd and Shawn rolled in friday afternoon. It was nice seeing them again and Pat again beat me a cribbage.
The first day minnesota out fished ryan and rich in montana. !4 to 2. When I got out there to move them I decided at the last minute to make a smaller move as the area seemed pretty fishy. After 2 hours with help from chase both houses were moved onto fresh ice. It paid off and the guys made a nice come back with both houses getting around 25 fish. California was used as a day house with the guys not doing all that well.The second day was a little better and they were happy to have a fish fry.
Brian,Todd and Trent had good success in florida. Every time I stopped in to check in on them the lights were down the radio was low and they were very content. After the second night I moved them. Again just a small move but that was all that was needed as they started catching fish again.
Shelly, Chase and Chasity are now fishing florida .We spent some time with them last night and it was slow. I hope to move minnesota and florida today.
Pat and his buddy were in the cabin last night . I sent them to an area and they were very pleased with the results ,Now I have to decide if thats where I should put a house.
John and his group also did well where I sent them .
Wild Bill did real well where I sent them but must of gave the position out to friends as there has been portables there all three days since they fished there

weekend two

Weekend two.
All the customers showed up yesterday and are now fishing. Florida with Brian, Trent and Tom had the hot house but they rolled in around 520 am yesterday. Brian has lost two fishing rods one while I was visiting. Man did Tom think that was funny I reminded him that Brian drove,he paused for a second then laughed again.
Cory and his family Abby, Cole and Jack also had some action in montana.
Ken and his two girls Maddiason and Mekenzie were not doing that wel in old minnesota. John and his gal had fished it for two days prior to Ken and his girls so I plan on moving them and california with Nick and his buddy.