Category Archives: Fishing Report
Since I moved to Minnesota from Colorado in 75, I always said may shower bring june flowers . Colorado is april not may. We did get a nice chunk of much needed rain last week and the ditches are just starting to slow down again. I think the swamps and slouighs are wet again.
The walleye fishing has been outstanding, The grandkids were up for the holiday ,we managed to get out and fish twice .Once with Ashly and I and the other with Cory, Coobee, Aughtum, Britney my grand daughter and Jake my grandson. We fished about 2 hours and kept 14.They had a good time. Cory also caught a elusive upper red lake crappie.
Its about that time of year to target crappies. I’ll try and get out inbetween work the next 2 weeks and see what happening.
the fishing has been outstanding . Steve, Dave and Bill got tired of catching walleyes. If you had a minnow and jig you were catching fish. Both groups had a fish fry and took home a couple limits.
Frank never takes his limit home. They do a outstanding job with there fish fry and look forward to enjoy another with them next weekend.
here fish fry and look forward to enjouing another shore lunch with them
I had a very bad day yesterday as I atttemped to vplow from beacons to the front of my place. It seemed to be going well and I kept stopping and backing up a letting the red baron cool down. The gauges all looked good so I kept pushing threw. I can not smell but when I saw smoke on the floor I new I was in trouble. I backed up got out and proceeded to try and put the fire out as the underside of the red baron was on fire. Not good. I popped open the hood to find more fire coming up the fire wall. The fire extingusier did not work so I prceeded to throw snow trying to get it out. I also starting grabbing any thing I could save as I thought she was going to burn to the ground. The good news it did not burn to the ground and the bad news as it does not look to good.The first step is to get it home
I would guess the average snow depth out there is 2 feet, I just can never let go of the season. I’m on my working vacation and enjoying my self. Kellie and I plan on doing some more fishing and having dinner in old minnesota on its new spot. I will be heading out in a bit with blue thunder to dig out california ,montana and florida. If any one comes up just give me a shout and I will plow a spot for you. No sense plowing any spots right now as there’s no one calling or emailing. There is a couple guys out on deans abandon SE. road and they have one crappie so far.
Borch plan on bringing a extension if you do not want to dig down two feet of snow to get to the ice. I measured 31 and 30 inche’s of ice a few days ago.
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Wow, I guess I’ve been a little busy. Opening up beacon Harbors road was a big job. It basicaly took two days as I had to help with chores at the farm, I hit a bump the second day and the red baron just stopped running and would not start. I figured I pulled a wire loose as I knew the ice was building up on the underside of red baron. Luck was with me and I found the unplug wire once I hammered off all the ice chunks . I learned another lesson to watch that ice build up better then I had. I was kicking myself at first but chalked it up to a good lesson.
The new spot I put old minnesota at has not produced a elusive upper red lake crappie. Kellie and I had dinner out there two nights in a row thursday and last night. We both lost quite a few fish and I tell Kellie that was a crappie. The walleyes are so pesky it frustrating even with a tiny crappie minnow 1 foot off the bottom.. We were also catching alot of little one 8 to 10 inches and in the past it seemed when you got those little ones you would also find crappies. I landed a couple pike over 30 inches and that again was a good sign there may be crappies around. I imagine I may move minnesota one more time before I throw in the towel.. There so much snow out there now that to chase crappies you need a sled . Deffintly a lot of good snowmobiling up here rigth now…
Day 8 of my working vacation. Mother nature hit us with quite a bit of snow I measured 5 inches in one spot but it could be closer to 10.
Saturday I perticapated in a snowmoble ride in honor of one of the first members that helped establish the trails. The trip was over 120 miles. My machine broke down around 100 mile mark. It was alot of funn untell then. Marty was nice enough to tow me home. I think I blew up the motor. ouch the rocket may have nade her last ride
Kellie and I were planning on fishing last night but mother nature changed our plans. I will be spending the day cleaning up the main road and a couple side roads I’ll spend the rest of the week digging out the houses and moving them offf there spots rather then move all the drifts. Its just amazing how much snow drifts around objects and the wind was not even that strong
My first day of my working vacation.
Got up around 530 as i wanted to be to old minnesota at first lite. The red Barons rear breaks were frozen tight as a drum sO I spent over a hour getting them brokedn loose. When I pulled up to florida i was plesently surprised to see jr and sarah had landed a 10 and 13.1/2 inch crappie over night
I then spent a couple hours fishing for kellie’s Glasses on the bottom of the lake and watching the new 007 movie. I did not retrieve her glasses but did end up retrieving my fishing rod after a fish took it from its holder.I then fired up blue thunder and went and moved montana to a fresh spot for justin and his buddie. After a short nap and lunch I went to look for a big patch of rough ice hoping I could find the mother load, i did find what i was looking for but the red baron got hung up in the process.That sulidified my scoutting and I now no wheer I want to search
After digging out of that fiasco I called it a day and headed to shore. Carriering to much speed in the red baron in 2 wheel drive the last corner at beacon harbors access I ended up loosing controll and buring the vplow and red baron into a 4 foot high snow bank. I did not take a pic though I should of
Well I guess the first thing to say is a big THANK YOU to all my customers and fishermen that have enjoyed my post this winter. It was another outstanding season fishing wise. I experemented with the houses staying in the same spot a few times with pretty good success. I still will never have a problem moving a shack while my customers are here as long as the weather,darkness,or mechanical break down prevents me from moving. I truely do love working on the lake and strive to make my customers comfortable. I learned a few things I can do better from Andy and Andy. I can handle constuctive critisism, if its going to make things easier or my customers stay a little bit nicer.
Mother nature whacked us a couple times but thats a given so you just do the best you can and hope you learn from the experiance. I made a few mistakes but I do that every year. Again I hope i’ve learned from any mistakes. I focused on walleye fishing and did not get caught up into chasing crappies.I did head to crappie country for the last weekend. The area I have the houses at this time have produced 11 that I know of. There has been reports of many 10 inch crappies so it makes a guy wonder if there a big school raoming around out there.I moved brent Andy Jen and Trish on saturday as there was no bite in closer to shore. The fishing got better right away with two bonus upper red lakes elusive but still catchable crappies a 13 and a 14 1/2. Greg and Gary in minnesota landed 3 but they were all 10 inchers. Bob, Bob, Jason and Rick closed out the season with me. Jason landed a 13 inch crappie sunday eve, They packed up yesterday with 14 walleyes and one crappie. Kellie the better half,Ole and Teresa and I fished sunday eve and had dinner in old minnesota. Ole and Teresa went home with 8 keepers. kellei and I fished last night from 4 to 7 and lande d a couple walleyes 4 perch for dinner and no crappies. I hope to keep getting Kellie out there as she sure would like to catch a crappie again out of old minnesota.
My nephew is going to arrive today for a little vacation time and I have Josh and his buddy arriving thursday to run and gun for the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. I would like to find some dirty ice and have one area in mind for sure. I’m never ready for the town of waskish to become a ghost town. I have a long list of things to do, so thats a good thing as it goes from busy to twiddling your fingers in one day. I’ll spend the week moving minnesota,florida,montana and california one more time. The long range forcast looke very promising with no big storms to deal with at this time.
Edited by cookie129 (3 seconds ago)
Cabin/Ice House Rentals on Upper Red Lake
Much better fishing yesterday. Keith buddie’s were up to 43 fish landed since I plowed them a spot. They were playing cards when I stopped in to see how they were doing. One of the guys had some jarred pickles which were way good.
Rick,bob,bob and Jason rollled in around 3 yesterday. They only had 3 keepers last nite so I may move them today. Bret,andy, trish and Jen had much better fishing after I moved them out a little deeper. Greg and Gary have done real well in minnesota. They have even landed 3 10 inch crappies. There’s been quite a few caught this year so it makes a guy wonder how many there are. I’ll be in no hurry to get the houses off the lake. I have three guys coming up next weekend to chase the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Yesterday was just beautiful out on the lake, I sure will miss working out there as the season whines down