June 24th

wow its been all most 20 days since I last posted a fishing report. I guess I will share one of the reasons my reports are far and few between? When we went to a 4 fish limit on the 14th it was a windy day so there was not much action at the public landing . However on the 15th it looked like opener. I was up mowing at the park/public landing and there were areas I could not mow as there were trailers parked on the grass. Again please do not be offended but where do they all come from? yes some stop and have breakfast or lunch at westwind, or buy bait in town. But most come for the day and never spend a penny in town. I realize that it is a fishing destination with no other activities golf, water park etc. I do not think I have ever seen a boat in tow stop at Sandys little antique store at the edge of town. Its never a bad idea to stop and buy a gift for the sweetie for letting you go fishing. I also realize that they are spending hard earned money to get here so there helping the economy somewhere. Sandys and north country sell locally grown wild rice. Hillmens ,westwind, north country all sell bait and tackle.

I had Ken and his two daughters here for a week from fathers day until the 24th . They have been coming for quite a few years staying in the grey cabin. Ken likes pulling crankbaits and they caught fish every day they went out. They brought the bicycles and went for a couple bikes rides. I never did see the girls go down to the lake and swim though. They had a couple fish fries and went home with there 12. Pat came up with Nate and Nate for a couple days Monday through Wednesday and stayed in the little green cabin. The wind was a factor in there fishing. I did take them out in my boat “Imagine That” after work on Tuesday. We headed into the wind to the north shore and were able to get out of the four foot rollers and do some trolling with spinners. Nate got to catch his first ever walleye which was nice. We only caught a few fish but did have some action. They headed out to the same area Wednesday and did much better as the wind had finally laid down. Marty and wayne were up on the 10th and 11th We all went fishing. I had to run the big motor with the wind conditions but we did real well trolling spinners. I had the hot hand and out fished both of them. I would guess we caught 50 fish for sure. We used up 3 generous scoops of minnows for the day. I had to stop in westwind harbor to get gas. When I was coming back on the lake I was just about to the last channel marker when a boat came from behind me full speed I never saw him coming ,He did not hit his horn that he was passing and man am I glad I did not turn left as I never saw him coming. Not sure why he was in such a hurry. Must of heard they were biting good? Who knows? Wild Bill was up also with his wife and daughter. They camped down at the lake for a couple days. They caught fish everyday drifting with leaches. Both cabins set open last weekend. I did go down to Rodgers Saturday and picked up a family Paul, Amanda, Br ady and Cody. they were friends of Joe Flak a old customer. They were camping there. He did not have room in his boat for everyone so I took then fishing. We drifted a area I like and had at least one bite or landed a fish every drift. I’m sure Joe marked that spot as he said it was not on his lakemaster chip? Oh well I better get off to work sounds like The golf course Oak harbor got quite a bit of rain Saturday. Both cabins are still wide open the rest of the summer.

june 9th 2016

My guy canceled the small cabin for the weekend. Said the weather is going to be to hot plus thunderstorms on Friday. Accu weather say sunny and pleasant Saturday with a high of 82. My buddy Wayne will be up and I plan on wetting a line and get in on some of the great fishing going on out there. I also talked to a few golfers at work yesterday in baudett that have been down fishing this week. They live on the edge of lake of the woods and come down here to fish? I counted over 50 boat traliors at the access Tuesday when I was mowing the ball fields. When the weather is nice they sure show up from somewhere.
Sounds like the bite has been real good this week . 3 to 6 feet has been producing real well with doubles and triples for some?

june 6th 2016

Well it was not to bad of a weekend. Bob, Dennis and Greg staying in the grey cabin arrived to late Friday evening to get out. While they were unpacking I noticed they brought there golf clubs. Greg said they planned on getting a round in, I dropped the ball and should of steered them up to Oak Harbor Golf course where I work. They ended up going to blackduck sunday afternoon when the winds blew them off the lake. I’m thinking they may of walk the course as one of them commented it seemed like it was all up hill. Any way back to fishing .They did come in Saturday late afternoon with there limit for a fish fry. I was hoping for some very calm weather to try for the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie but the wind never layed down to my liking. I do have plenty of projects to keep me busy here though. Living in waskish you learn to fix quite a few things yourself. For instance the dryer needs a new hub bearing so that has been taking apart and a couple parts ordered. The bravado has a antifreeze leak on the intake manifold so I have that half apart with quite a bit more to go before I know what parts I need. The john deer lawn tractor broke its hydro drive belt I had to remove the deck and lift the thing off the ground to pull a pully to install the new belt plus I had to remove the carb and clean it. I finished making my drag and had to go over to Davids and torch a couple pieces of metal to length. I have some painting to do this summer /fall. I also have a couple trees that need to come down but I do not do chain saws so I’m trying to barter for that. So the last week I have been a small engine mechanic, a car mechanic, a appliance repairman, a carpenter/fabricator.

Any way back to fishing it sounds like the fish are starting to scatter a bit. I may get out later today as its looks like its going to be a gorgeous day here. The grey cabin is open for the weekend at this time and both cabins are open the rest of the summer

yesterday while mowing the ball fields here in waskish I came home for lunch and got a call from a good friend Chris. He was in blackduck and wanted to know if I would take it out fishing . I hoed and hummed about 10 seconds and said sure. Pick up some crappie minnows and meet me here at the house around 6 pm and we would go look for the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Arriving to the spot there were 3 boats working a half mile stretch. We pulled in started fishing and listening to some jonny cash. The first bobber down was a pesty walleye. Oh well he would be a good eater. A few walleyes later and Chris landed the one and only elusive crappie of the evening. With the water temp at 63 I expected we would do better? I guess why that’s why they are so elusive. We did manage to get 6 very nice walleyes with two coming in just over 18 inches. I made a deal with Chris and he fillet the fish plus I had him cut out all the cheeks. Yum Yum Yum fresh fish for dinner tonight

yesterday while mowing the ball fields here in waskish I came home for lunch and got a call from a good friend Chris. He was in blackduck and wanted to know if I would take it out fishing . I hoed and hummed about 10 seconds and said sure. Pick up some crappie minnows and meet me here at the house around 6 pm and we would go look for the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Arriving to the spot there were 3 boats working a half mile stretch. We pulled in started fishing and listening to some jonny cash. The first bobber down was a pesty walleye. Oh well he would be a good eater. A few walleyes later and Chris landed the one and only elusive crappie of the evening. With the water temp at 63 I expected we would do better? I guess why that’s why they are so elusive. We did manage to get 6 very nice walleyes with two coming in just over 18 inches. I made a deal with Chris and he fillet the fish plus I had him cut out all the cheeks. Yum Yum Yum fresh fish for dinner tonight

another opener in the books

This years opener was a eye opener as mother nature decided to unleash some strong winds out of the north north west with bone chilling temps . Getting on the lake was possible but it had to be miserable if you were out there. Frank and the crew did well in the river and landed enough fish to feed there group two big fish fries for the weekend. They have been coming for years and taking home fish is not a big goal but getting enough for there fish fry and fish boil is what its all about.
Wayne, Jonny boy my son and I did go out sunday as I wanted to send john home with 3 fish. It was not the best weather to fish but we managed to land a 15 fish in the couple hours we fished before we ran out of minnows. Our boat Imagine That needed a new battery this year as the original one finely gave out after 12 years of service. All the family are coming up memorial weekend. Other then that our cabins are wide open this year. I’m a little surprised as I expected we would have quite a few calls this year. jake was up last week Monday and part of Tuesday. We had to battle mother nature a bit but did manage to land 8 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Jake did not keep any and I kept 3 for the hammer and I to have a fresh fish dinner.
On a side note getting on the lake with our 20 foot tyee is was manageable in the wind on sunday but I did bottom out twice and that always drives me crazy. I’m not sure why the markers are so close together as there not even a channel there. Coming in with the wind I ended up going on the right side of the markers with no problem. I would not go to the right of the markers going out though as I be leave there are some rocks scatter about to the north

march 14th 2016

Just like that and another season is in the books. 79 days and nights on such a grand lake. Every year is different and again this year was different. With the late ice watching all the outfitters and resorts coming up with plan bees to accommodate there clients was very interesting. I had to start right in front of my place as that’s the only place I could find over 14 inches of ice. That shallow water bite can be fantastic and we did have a few nights of great fishing in 7 to 8 feet of water. Getting the houses out to buddy Hillmens highway was a challenge, but with my good friend Marty,s help we were able to improvise and get them over there with out going through Buddys southern berm. From there it was off to find the mother lode. Finding a good late night bite was brutal. Being we rent sleepers I would like the rattle wheels going off all night . We had some nights that the rattle wheels had to be pulled up but not what I have become accustomed to? I found some good fishy areas and the fish would refuse to bite? We slowly migrated out to deeper water driving over millions of fish to catch a few? The sunrises and sunsets never get old and again my phone is full of morning and evening pictures. The red barons v plow got a whole new face lift and was much needed as I demolished it last year chasing the very elusive but still catchable upper red lake crappie. Blue thunder two’s 2nd year on the lake and I could not be happier with its performance. What a great truck.” knock on wood” I expect to get a good ten more years out of her if not more. My good friend Wayne was able to come up every other weekend and we had some good laughs and epic cards games. Mother nature was very kind to us this year as every year is different. The houses flooded just about every ware we set up. Working on the lake everyday was a joy. there were a few cuss words now and then but that’s nothing new. I again met some great people that will or have become life long friends. My goal has always been to have repeat customers .That has worked out real fine as it sure is nice to see them year after year. I never stop learning new things on the lake and Buddy Hillmen taught me a few more things about running a ice road. Helping with Hillmens highway is a treat for me and its sure is nice being part of the team. I had a couple brain farts? One that really sticks out was when I pulled a truck out of the southern berm and then gave the guy my new tow strap and told him to drop it off at hillmens store when he was done with it. I learned a lesson there and will never offer my strap to another fishermen un less they ask. Marty has helped me two years in a row now and still has not experienced the wrath the red lake can produce. She sure can be a eye opener as Randy can attest to when we tried to get off the lake in a white out. We made the right decision and went back to the houses where we hunkered down. Wayne was totally amazed at the wife Kellie” the Hammer ” as she could come out to the houses day or night with all the confidence of a seasoned professional . My working vacation was just that as I went on the search for the mother load of the very elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Randy and Tammy ended up getting 14 which was pretty darn good. All the houses managed to get a few here and there as I kept moving them . I never managed to land on the mother load like last year when the hammer and I got 27 in a hour and a half the last night old Minnesota was on the lake. Oh well there is always next year. This year I changed up gears and kept my mouth shut in preparation for my crappie hunt. The crew were all rolling in last Thursday and I did not want to be over whelmed with fishermen like last year. It could not of worked out better as the fishing was outstanding with over a hundred elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies caught and released to fight another year. Jake and Gabrial kept 4 for a meal. Ole kept 5 to take home. The hammer and I kept 7 total since the end of walleye season. Brady, Shawn, Wes, Joff kept a couple for a fish fry Saturday night. Florida, North Dakota and Montana all caught some elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies after dark which was great to see. Old Minnesota had Don and his buddy and even after moving it Saturday it still did not produce a elusive upper red lake crappie. Don did land a dandy pike on his rod and reel and that may of been the reason there were no elusive upper red lake crappies under the house. Adam / Ginger ended up with only 4 and is still looking for that wall hanger. Tim and his son Leon managed to get 11. The guys in the white ice castle got 6 after I talked to them and gave the suggestion to move. Randy fished the exact same holes he fished where they got the 14 and got skunked. It sounded like Buddy Hillmen found the mother load with some clients / friends and caught 70 while his other group got 45 Saturday into the evening. Yesterday morning I headed out to bring the fleet home. The timing could not of been any better and it is such a relief to have them home and on shore. I slept like a baby last night as all the worries associated with having the houses and fishermen out there were gone for another year. The liter I picked up last year has been nothing like this year. Thank you fishermen as the word has got out that it will not be tolerated. All the outfitters and resorts are on board and not afraid to make a phone call if need be. It may sound kinda of funny but I’m hoping I can spend a few more days out there in blue thunder policing the lake for liter. There is nothing worse then seeing that crap floating in the water and washing up on the beach. I huge thank you goes out to all my customers as with out you I would have nothing to write about . As Dave the old timer said it a GRAND LAKE AND It Owes Me NOTHING! NOTHING!

Ole ,Marty and I are headed off to low to do some pike fishing tomorrow. Wish us luck

march 5th 2016

Trolling with old Minnesota? I told the hammer I will be moving old Minnesota on to fresh ice today. Tammy and Randy were up to 7 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Duke was up to 5. Another group got 3 last night out of the same hole. Other then that there were less then a dozen fishermen hunting for these very elusive fish. Yesterday on my working vacation I headed out on the lake with blue thunder.to bring the rest of the fleet down the mile road I made to get to the area I wanted to fish. The reflection of the sun causes the one side of the shacks to melt into the ice a bit. each house had to be broken loose but that was not a big deal. As it started to snow. Every thing went smooth and I had them all over there in short order. I then ask randy if he could give me a ride to shore to get the red baron as both trucks are required to prep areas. The snow had picked up quite a bit. It had to be coming down more then a inch a hour. When we arrived onto Hillmens highway it was a full blown white out. Realizing it was dangerous and impossible to see we quickly turned around and headed back where I would be taking a nap in old Minnesota while wetting a line. Duke and his buddy were going out searching for the mother load and stopped by but they said I was sleeping like a baby. I did not sleep long and the rattle wheel awoke me. A couple misses and another elusive yet all most catchable upper red lake crappie was lost at the hole. Educated another one. It was then time to get back to work. Once I arrived back to old minnesota with the hammer I got back to work prepping a new area for montana as Marty and his sweetie shell are headed up this morning. Once I had montana blocked banked and all set up I headed back for another evening of movie watching, cooking dinner and maybe catching a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. When I stepped in the house the hammer was not happy as a fish got her new 6 dollar lure. She tried the rest of the evening to re catch that fish and get her lure back with no avail. Once marty arrives we will be heading out to augur out a couple holes in montana and I will sniff out a new spot for the hammer and I to enjoy another evening of fishing with friends on such a grand lake.

March 4th 2016

Some days things do not click as you would expect. Old Minnesota was the last house I had to dig out. I have a system that works pretty good as long as you do not try and take short cuts. I can uu bank which ever side I’m towing from and one side of the house. In a pinch I can hook up and give it a good jerk/tug and she will break loose. The better way is to jack up the end I’m towing from dig out a small opening over half way under both sides and stand a 2×4 on its edge on both sides. For some reason I guess I got lazy and only put a 2×4 under one side. As you lower the house back down it cause a titter todder effect and the weight of the house breaks the other end loose. Then its just back up, hook up the chains and off we go. Old Minnesota is our heaviest house but with this procedure she comes out of the hole pretty easy. When I’m working alone once I pull out I stop and go retrieve the blocks and any other things that may of gotten left under the house. I walk back chip out the blocks and turn around and to my surprise the snow packed around the rack for the propane holding tank has half way torn out of the wall and also ripped the bottom 2x4s off and there are the 100 lb tanks held up off the ice by the lines. I quickly turned off the propane and evaluated the situation. I was able to stack a few 2x4s underneath the tanks to take the pressure off the lines and remove the lines and tanks. It was a little tough lifting them straight up though as they are heavy. I was then able to repair the rack with a good old hammer and re install the tanks. No its not quite over though. As I said it was one of those days. I go to grab my phone and darn if I can not find it? After spending quite a bit of time looking for it in both trucks ,kicking the snow around and I just could not find it. What a crappy feeling when you loose your phone. back to the project at hand and off I went towing old Minnesota to its new area. I would come back for the red baron later in the day. Once I arrived to the new area I had to un hook the house and prep a area with blue thunder instead of the red barons v plow. Then back to retrieve old Minnesota and pull it in to its spot. As I was blocking it up joel came over to see if I needed a hand. I said no I got it but I could use a ride back to the red baron as I had forgotten to grab the auger. I had transferred it into the red baron after I had opened up the edge of Buddy hillmens highway Tuesday. It was caked with snow when I put it in there and I had planned on bringing it in the shop to dry it off . When we arrived joel called my phone but we could not here it ringing and it did not go to voice mail so I new it had to still be somewhere warm. Once back to old Minnesota we again rang my phone, still could not here it. I then walked in to old Minnesota and there it was laying on the bed. What a relief. I prepped the house for auguring the holes and warmed up the augur and luckily I started where two holes go side by side because as I finished the first hole Number two augur kept running at full speed. Trying to handle a raging auger with a 18 inch extension can be a handful. I was able to get it back down on the ice and let it start drilling the second hole so I could turn it off. Wow what a day. I then headed home to pack up our gear for a night of relaxation fishing with the hammer and preparing a nice meal. Cornish game hens, mixed veggies and pasta. We watched a couple movies, lost a few fish that I think may of been elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies? I think I fell a sleep around 10 pm . The rattle wheels went off every couple hours all night long with a couple misses and a couple walleye landed. While making coffee Thursday morning just as the sun was coming up and the hammer landed a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. We had to pack it up soon after as I had some business in Bemidji. Tammy and Randy arrived out there yesterday afternoon as well as Duke last evening so I will see how they have done as I haul the rest of the fleet into the area. I’ll need both trucks out there again so I will see if Randy can give me a ride back to shore. Nothing is rented un till Monday but the hammer and I will be having dinner and movies out there every night all weekend long looking for the mother load

march 2nd 2016

Well it was back to work yesterday. Buddy Hillmen’s highway is again wide open 10 miles out after a day of dragging and plowing. I talked to Buddy briefly and he plans on pulling two more of his houses to shore as just like that and the phone calls have all most came to a end. I ‘m never ready to pull the plug when those beautiful elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies are starting to put on there feed bags. The best report I have heard so far is 22 fish landed by a group of 4. With one person landing on the honey hole and reeling in 14 of the 22. The area I just left had a little corner of around 20 acres that produced a few over the last two weeks. Remember a few? A few in fishing lingo is 12 to 16. Not the mother load by any means but just landing one of these very elusive fish you get the feeling you landed a trophy. And that my friends is a good feeling. Looking for them on the other hand can be a tremendous amount of work on such a big body of water. If you get just one there’s a reason he or she was there and as we all know crappies travel in schools? The crappie highway is still out there and still very active in my book. That’s where I’m headed.
Yesterday after plowing for two hours I was off to the area I have ruined, With the wheel houses I set up we managed to ruin at least 100 acres of 48,000. We did manage to get a 7 elusive upper red lake crappies though out the weekend. Plus numerous walleyes, perch and a couple big pike .
Buddy said he thinks some pike have moved in to the area he was working as the elusive upper red lake all of a sudden became very elusive? If anyone can find them again it would be Buddy. I tried to get a hold of Tyler from bear paw as he can also find these very elusive fish. No answer though? Glad it was not a emergency. Yesterday after taking care of the road I was off to start the manual labor of digging out the houses. Florida was only sitting on 19 inches of ice where I had it and the water had oozed out and made quite the mess of things. Montana and North Dakota were sitting on well over two feet of ice? Those three house are now staged for there next destination. I will be heading out to dig out old Minnesota later this morning. I did wet a line a couple times while I was out there yesterday. When I dropped a forage minnow tipped with a minnow a big wide red line came charging up from the depths only to hit the breaks three feet off the bottom and slowly drift back to the bottom. My first thought seeing such a wide line was here we go a elusive upper red lake crappie. I may never know what it was though as it took a couple more looks and then it was gone. I’ll drop a line when I first get out there this morning while I prep old Minnesota for its journey. Jake is pretty excited about getting up here on the 9th of march and is chomping at the bit. The passion he has for fishing is second to none , If he is not fishing he is watching fishing ,reading about fishing, talking about fishing, getting a fish tattoo, pretending he is fishing and in general wishing he was fishing. Tyler also has that passion and that’s all they do if hunt and fish. Buddy Hillmens another one, when the ice leaves the lake he will be heading to Alaska where he is going fishing. Its fishing for a living but its still fishing. Wayne is another. He is a little different though as he has caught so many fish it really does not matter its more about the relaxation it produces for him. Its just tranquil to him, it reminds him of all the time spent fishing with his dad. Now me I love the comradery of fishing, I want to fish with people and catch the biggest? Not the most just the biggest. I find it hard to fish by my self. All though once I get the line wet I’m fine . Taking out the boat by my self can be a chore ,but once I’m out there its very relaxing. Pre fishing for a guided trip ? I have been catching fish on this lake since I was 6 years old puking out the side of the boat with my dad egging me on. I still think he did it on purpose ? The greek was born to fish. If I could paint pictures one that stands out in my mind is a year I talked the greek into leaving his boat on the water un tell the last day possible. We had to pull a boat and a pontoon at the last minute as a big storm was coming with below zero temps to follow. I was standing at the end of the dock with the wind blowing 20 miles a hours out of the north east. With white caps in the back ground and that little boat bouncing off the dock the greek jumps in and was leaned over pulling the rip cord to start it. Giant snow flakes were going down his open collar with his jacket un zipped, waves splashing over the boat and he was right at home . Yes I would love to paint that picture. Where is the greek now? Spending time living on a boat in florida un tell he heads back to Alaska to do what? Time to get to work as I’m on a mission. The hammer wants to fish tonight and if any one can catch a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie out of old minnesota it is her.