aug 7th 2017

Another weekend is in the books.
Kimjoy and Tim enjoyed them self tenting down at the lake. The wind played a little factor in there fishing but they were not to disappointed and plan on coming up to try a little grouse hunting this fall. They also took in bible study at our Baptist church here in town on Wednesday and enjoyed seeing everyone again.
Jeff, Jeff and Dillon came up Saturday morning and we hiked out to our land as they wanted to check it out. jeff and Dillon had to take off so me and jeff got out to do a little fishing. The sheephead were very aggressive but we managed to get 3 nice keeper walleyes for dinner.. Jeff and I had a fire down at the lake as we watched another classic upper red lake sunset.
Sunday morning we headed out to my early morning spot where we picked off 4 nice fish before jeff had to head home. I did catch a eel pout of all things Saturday?
Danny did real good fishing with his clients as he was up here for over a week.
I ran in to a old customer/friend that was camping at the park and they also managed to find a few fish.

aug 1rst 2017

Wow where did the month of July go? I guess its that old adage when your having fun time fly’s by.
The lake is low this year as we are in a semi drought in this area. Our good friends Bob and Rick came up this past weekend so we got out Friday eve when I got home from work. We drove past the ball fields on our way to launch the boat and Hillmens were getting ready to start there game of beer ball and it look like they were having a nice turn out for that.
We headed straight out to deeper water 12 feet where we trolled spinners and ended up picking up 7 nice keeper, a couple sheephead and one small pike. Not bad for just a couple hours of fishing.
Saturday we were in no hurry to fish so we went and had breakfast at westwind before heading out.
This time it was a bit windier so we decided to drift around the same area we had fished the night before. The first drift we had a double and things looked promising. We only needed five more fish for a 3 limits. I ended up getting a fat 19 and we missed a few fish. A couple more sheephead were caught before we had our 5 keepers.
Coming in I saw Tyler when we were pulling up to our dock and Tyler had said they did real good Saturday morning in 13 feet of water.
Danny from outdoor authority was up for the softball tournament and landed a 29 inch walleye Thursday or friday
After dinner we went and watched the mud football. This year they only had two girl teams of 4 and 2 guy teams of 4. Every year different . I remember one year there were at least 8 teams and they played tell dark.
After the games we went over to Hillmens bar tall tavern where they had a outside band and enjoyed some music.
Sunday Bob and Rick headed home and I went and watched the softball . They had 7 teams this year.
The blue berry were a bust this year so I never got my 12 pints and will have to wait another year.
My friends Tim and Kim rolled in last night and are staying a couple days so I hope they can get a few fish.

july 17th 2017

The hammer ,our god friend wayne and I goy out sunday for a bit of fishing.
Wayne had the hot hand landing 7 walleyes , 2 sheepheads and one nice mid 30s pike that cleared the water on one jump. I heard 2 guys had there 8 with two just over 18. Frank at north country food and fuel said he talked to a couple guys that also did real well.
Justin Shane? Bob Baily and Kyle got 5 Friday but the wind got the best of them Saturday. They came up to cut down a few trees for me and stayed down at the lake.
There’s a few things coming up Hillmens has there softball tournament coming up at the end of the month. I could find enough bed to host a team. Again Saturday eve they play a very mean game of tackle football in the mud pit that is always a hoot to watch.
westwind will be hosting there second annual corn hole tournament limited to 32 teams the first weekend of august. They also have some live music in there bar Friday night.

july 13 2017

Well a few interesting things to write about.
We had a bear running around Waskish for a couple weeks. From the story I heard he was caught ? Yep, a local had a raccoon trap in his yard and the bear put his tongue in it. I guess its a tube that you stuff marshmallows in. I’m not sure if that the first bear ever trapped by his tongue.
Talk to Steve, He said Tyler was hammering them. 6 feet of water?
Rodgers had a good fishing report also
From the sounds of it the fish are cooperating between 6 and 8 feet of water.
Weather wise lets just say brrrrr. I had 3 layers on yesterday when I was mowing at work. The plan is to wet a line this weekend if the weather cooperates.
The cabins are wide open the rest of the summer at this time.It seems every year it slows down up here after the 4th. The big pike should be turning on .Speed trolling is the trick and if your catch one with a black and orange salmo its mine.
Hillmen’s has there softball tournament coming up the last weekend of July. They are still looking for teams so if there’s any team out there that wants to play I can host a team here for lodging. If your young they play tackle football in the mud pit Saturday evening after softball and it is quite the sight to see. They also play beer ball Friday evening and that is always a hoot.
Last thing is this weekend is the street machine nationals at the st paul fairgrounds. Back in the 80s The hammer and I stumbled upon them when we were cruising around in my 340 duster and man did we have a good time sitting down by the fair grounds watching all the cars coming and going. We found a stop light and just set there all evening

july 11th 2017

Another Big Bog festival is in the books. A few highlights. The pot luck was again a small turn out? They then had a presentation at the park where they had three raptors two hawks and a small owl. that was pretty cool.
The mud run had a side by side that was 300 hp with nitro. Wow did that thing scoot.
Sundays church in the park had a good turn out with David playing his saw followed by wild rice pancakes.
I did wet a line sunday morning in one of my go to spot where I missed 3 and managed to land just on small walleye.
Rays sons caught a 45 inch pike. I ask if they were targeting pike and he said they were just fishing
Saturday the winds kept most of the fishermen away but I did see a guy with a few walking into the fish cleaning shack at westwind .
Our web site seems to be down ? I will have the hammer check on that later tonight. I may wet a line Thursday if things work out . My tree trimmers are coming up Friday and plan on doing a little fishing

july 6th 2017

To my surprise I have ben hearing some good fishing reports.
Jonny ,Ashly and myself got out Sunday morning. We headed out to deeper water right away where we ended up keeping 5 and missing a few ,plus a couple throwbacks.
Monday Devon and Jonny took the boat out and hit the same spot where they got 7 keepers in a couple hours.
A few fishermen Ii talked to said they did well in 8 feet of water and I even heard of some fish caught in 4 feet of water.
This weekend is the big bog festival. Some of the high lights will be pot luck in the park Friday evening at 5;30pm
Saturday and sunday softball tournament, The atv mud run is at 3 and has become a huge turnout everyear. Westwind will be hosting a outdoor dance Saturday evening.
Sunday morning is out door church service at homestead park at 9am followed up with wild rice pancakes.
My guys canceled for the weekend so I may get out and wet a line if mother nature cooperates

June 29th 2017

I still have not heard any good fishing reports. yesterday was rain rain rain.
Its beautiful out there this morning .I’m hoping the wind lays down for a few days so we can find a few fish this weekend.
Starting to see a few more skitters but nothing like it can be. I expect that will change after today.
Were looking forward to some of the kids coming up this weekend .Should be fun fun fun.

June 27th 2017

Stupid weather, This global warming?
Anyways Randy, Nick and Richard were here Friday, Saturday and did not do so well. The winds were a factor with a strong wind out of the west Friday and a strong nw wind Saturday. I suggested they go launch at beacon harbor and they could possibly get out of the 4 foot rollers. The fishing was horrible with a couple sheephead landed and one scuffit walleye.
I had talked to Ray and Jim on Thursday and they said the fishing was real good.
I guess I’m not sure what happens to the bite when the wind stirs up the lake. Are the fish full from stacking up on the windblown side? Or do they just not see your bait when it get stirred up? I’ve caught fish trolling along the break in 3 foot waves? Trolling after the water get way stirred up I have caught a couple over the years but is that because the bait went right by there nose?
The kids are coming up this weekend as were going to re stucco the small cabin and paint. The plan is to get out and do a little fishing.
The wife said some guys came in the store the other day and had did real well on island lake. So That’s always a option if the wind is blowing.
Other then family coming up the cabins are wide open the rest of the summer.

june 22nd 2017

I have the boat out of the water for some maintenance so I have not been on the lake. Ken and his daughters arrived last Saturday and the bite has gotten a little better everyday as the water slowly clears up. Saw Mearl at the gas station and he said he always catches fish so sounds like he is getting some action.
The access was pretty busy Tuesday so there’s still fishermen showing up on the nicer days. I’ll try and say hi and talk to a few today at the access while I’m mowing the park.
The plan is to try and get out and do a little fishing with the hammer this weekend if the stupid water cooperates as I’m craving a fresh walleye dinner.

To me it seems like it been a cool summer so far.
I’m going to check some blueberry patches this morning as my goal is to jar at least 12 pints if not more this year.
Saw a bear coming home for golf Tuesday and that’s always cool.
The upper red lake association is looking for new members. Businesses are 50 a year. You get your business on there web site listed and a news letter.

june 21rst 2017

With much needed rain and talking to a few fishermen the word was slow. The lake looks like chocolate milk. She is howling out of the west right now and I expect it will take a couple days for the bite to get better when the winds lye down.
I did talk to a gentlemen at the gas station that said it has been tough . I also talked to 3 guys fishing the river peer and they said they had picked up a couple small ones.
I spent the morning changing the oil in the boat getting it ready for fathers day weekend.
I shot a 44 in golf league Tuesday and a 51 last night, Stupid game. The hammer is reading a golfing book and is planning on taking up the game with me. She lives up to her name she may be beating me in no time