March 7th 2025

We had a few guests this past week. They all went fishing with either Jonny boy or dusty with great success. Jimmy teamed up with Dusty more as a helper then a fisherman he Thurley enjoyed helping and watching customers landing the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Glen had the 2 boys that were not giving up until they got on the mother lode. Dusty said they would not stop tell his cheatmaster 3000 fish eliminators battery wore out.
Mark is a chef from Rush creek golf course. He is not a golfer so not sure if I can fenagle a free round. He was a diehard fishing outside every day. He had no interest of keeping any fish just loves the chase. Jonny and Dusty also guided a few groups with great success.
Hillmans road is still in good shape, this could be the last weekend depending on mother nature. We still have open houses set up on crappie grounds.
Jake is on his way up with Laken. Jake will go home sun and wind burned as he will not give up looking for the mother lode. Dusty set up a wheelhouse last night around 10:30pm she has 6 on the ice from the house. Utah has Joel they only got 1 perch 1 crappie and 1 walleye. The boys are out moving a few houses this morning.
The weather looks great for the next few days, I’ll take cloudy over sunshine to help save the landing.
For over 20 years I have had trouble pulling the plug. Even though I did not work as much on this grand lake this year. I’m already looking forward to next year. With Jonny boy at the helm we hope and plan on changing things for the better and not get walked on.
One year we even water skipped to get to the crappie grounds. I somehow got the hammer on the sled nick named the “rocket” with her holding on tight we took off across the open water all of 50yards if not more. Coming in as I was lining up a straight shot just as went to speed up the sled stumbled. With no room to stop I hit the throttle, and we shot across like a rocket. We made it to shore, and the hammer said in a pretty loud voice never again.
Buddy Hillman got so good at it he could lean and turn.

march 4th and the hunt cotinues

This past weekend we had a few houses with customers plus the owners of Tennessee, Colorado.
Tenneessee was he hot house with Elvis landing 14 of the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.
Bob the owner of colorado had some guest up for the weekend, the first night they landed 15 from the house.
Utah did all right landing 10. Texas had ryan his wife they got a got a couple North Dakoata had Ryan kids they also landed a couple.
Mathew fished and stayed out in minnesota where he landed at least one every night. He also visited the kids in north dakota as they were the same age..
Jason Mellissa and barb stay in alaska where they landed 4 out of the house.
Kevin Max and Cam went hunting for the mother lode and had a adventure as they went over a crack 8 miles out, they had a heck of a time getting back across with Cam damaging a rim and tire. The area they crossed was a wide crack that froze over and was only 8 inches thick. If you come up crappie hunting be aware that that crack is to the west of rocky point.
Everyone that stayed last weekend went out on the hunt during the day using there cheatmaster 3,000$ fish eliminators. They were skittish and elusive when you found them, but they were still catchable. with lots of fish kept plus released.
The Lamser crew showed up for a day of fishing Steve, Megan, Bob, Theresa, Stephanie, April, Tony, Kristi, John and my helper one year James.
They all used to rent from me and come up for our crappie hunts back before the cheatmaster. They took home 39 and 2 sheephead. It was good seeing them all. I checked in on them a couple times as they were enjoying such a grand day on a grand lake that owes us nothing.

Jonny boy and Dusty have done a great job figuring out where to catch them. They have seen some patterns but keep that tight lipped for the customers only.
Ashley and Justin came up for just saturday eve, they only landed one, but she said they did not fish that hard. They also came to take Matty back home. It was bittersweet as me and him really had some fun out there learning how to work on the lake, checking on customers trying to sell hoody’s, fishing, he got to check in on customers, he also went out fishing with the guys staying in the cabin all on his own. He called them his customers. He was also home schooling. Which he may have dropped the ball a bit on that. He wheeled and dialed for a sled he got us to trade our red and silver truck for. We also worked on the hammers old sled we did getting it running briefly but never got it running good enough to ride.
We still have most of the fleet on the lake. we plan on at least sticking it out another week but will keep a eye of the weather. The ice road is in great shape the access is still ok. At this time we have houses in crappie grounds still open for this coming weekend. I’m sticking to the 25% off. We also have some on land lodging. Cookie 218 556 6197

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March 4th 2025 The hunting continues

This past weekend we had a few houses with customers plus the owners of Tennessee, Colorado.
Tenneessee was he hot house with Elvis landing 14 of the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.
Bob the owner of colorado had some guest up for the weekend, the first night they landed 15 from the house.
Utah did all right landing 10. Texas had ryan his wife they got a got a couple North Dakoata had Ryan kids they also landed a couple.
Mathew fished and stayed out in minnesota where he landed at least one every night. He also visited the kids in north dakota as they were the same age..
Jason Mellissa and barb stay in alaska where they landed 4 out of the house.
Kevin Max and Cam went hunting for the mother lode and had a adventure as they went over a crack 8 miles out, they had a heck of a time getting back across with Cam damaging a rim and tire. The area they crossed was a wide crack that froze over and was only 8 inches thick. If you come up crappie hunting be aware that that crack is to the west of rocky point.
Everyone that stayed last weekend went out on the hunt during the day using there cheatmaster 3,000$ fish eliminators. They were skittish and elusive when you found them, but they were still catchable. with lots of fish kept plus released.
The Lamser crew showed up for a day of fishing Steve, Megan, Bob, Theresa, Stephanie, April, Tony, Kristi, John and my helper one year James.
They all used to rent from me and come up for our crappie hunts back before the cheatmaster. They took home 39 and 2 sheephead. It was good seeing them all. I checked in on them a couple times as they were enjoying such a grand day on a grand lake that owes us nothing.

Jonny boy and Dusty have done a great job figuring out where to catch them. They have seen some patterns but keep that tight lipped for the customers only.
Ashley and Justin came up for just saturday eve, they only landed one, but she said they did not fish that hard. They also came to take Matty back home. It was bittersweet as me and him really had some fun out there learning how to work on the lake, checking on customers trying to sell hoody’s, fishing, he got to check in on customers, he also went out fishing with the guys staying in the cabin all on his own. He called them his customers. He was also home schooling. Which he may have dropped the ball a bit on that. He wheeled and dialed for a sled he got us to trade our red and silver truck for. We also worked on the hammers old sled we did getting it running briefly but never got it running good enough to ride.
We still have most of the fleet on the lake. we plan on at least sticking it out another week but will keep a eye of the weather. The ice road is in great shape the access is still ok. At this time we have houses in crappie grounds still open for this coming weekend. I’m sticking to the 25% off. We also have some on land lodging. Cookie 218 556 6197

feb 25th 2025 And the fishing continues

This year the big game fishing ended on a high note with good fishing, warm weather plenty of limits.
A big thank you goes out to all our customers. As in most years a few hic ups but the team handle everything with high standards which was great. I have always tried to be a good host and treat customers like I would like to be treated. There were many many compliments about our guys from our customers which make me feel really good. Jonny boy, Dusty, Dave,and Mathew could not of done any of it without you guys giving it your all.
The back is doing ok I still have not made the motion of a golf swing. Our grandson Matty has been helping me in-between his online schoolwork with any heavier lifting etc.
We added a newer vehicle to the fleet as blue thunder 2 sits sadly down by the lake. The newer vehicle is called casper the beast. Another chevy 454. Just like every year we have a list of repairs building as we push on chasing the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.
Speaking of these special fish I do not want to be a hypocrite if a customer wants to keep 10 fish that is completely up to them. We are keeping our houses out as long as conditions allow. We did have jimmy here for two nights, he could of went home with 10 if he could have landed them in the house as he said he missed more then he caught he went home happy with 8.
This past weekend we were full for the final weekend North dakota had Tim and his crew they landed 11 of the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies in the house. Plus 3 limits or close to it of some nice healthy walleyes.
Florida had Tom and his gal they managed 3 elusive yet still catchable red lake crappies plus a few walleyes in the house.
Jt had montana and tenneessee. They were way happy with the walleyes they caught and also plan on coming back next year.
Alaska had Tarha and her guy they had landed one nice elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie in the house. They also ventured out looking for the mother lode with no luck. They did take home a pale of fish.
Colorado had the owner of the house with his friends in Utah. They went crappie chasing both days. All caught at least 1 including bobs daughter? They never landed on a big school but managed to take home a couple.
Cal had Dave and his buddy. They had no interest chasing crappies but did easily take home there 8 walleyes. Dusty did say they are coming back for a chance to chase the mother lode. Jeff and bethany were in texas with beths dad and sister in nevada. They did some serious partying. Sleeping late into the morning both days. I have no clue if they managed to catch any fish at all. Old minnesota had Beth and brian I stopped 3 times to visit and managed to miss them all 3 times. I know they went crappie hunting and when they came back to the house, they did get at least 2 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie’s.
We do have a couple guest tonight and tomorrow.
The plan is to get all the houses out into areas that we have a chance of a night bite into the morning. I’m also going to offer 25% off the rest of the season. Our plans are to stick it out until the 17th on a grand lake that owes us nothing

feb 18th 2025

With just 6 more nights for keeping big game fish I may have to see if I can land a couple to save for walleye dinner this April. we have been quite busy battling mother nature. The fleet has been towed this way that way up down over etc. Our grandson Mathew has been helping grampa with any lifting
shoveling etc. he is learning a few hard knocks along the way. Jinxei Dave broke my lite number 2 shovel, so I told him make sure and bring me a new one.
The fishing has again been up and down with the better walleye bite just under 10 feet. I had the treat of having my brother here for a few nights with our niece Amanda and My sister bonzo as I call her. We had a lot of great laughs, caught a few fish, no elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies this time which I was quite surprised as the house was put into a fishy area. We did go down to jrs for a fantastic fish fry as always. I got a chance to say hi to Adam.
Jimmy was in california and his parents were in florida. they did not do to well but did manage to take a couple fish home.
We offered a free outdoor elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie trip to try and rent alaska the last minute Chris and his gal took us up and were not disappointed as Jonny boy and trusty dusty came through finding the mother lode for a few of our guest that were willing too battle mother nature.
Florida had Brian and Becky they took home 7 keeper walleyes. They said they will be back.
Dave and his Family Were in was in Montana when I stopped too visit I timed it just right has they had a pile of fish to eat. They were so good with just a little bite to the batter cooked to a golden perfection.
Andy the owner of texas was also here. They joined Jonny and Dusty in the brutal elements and also were rewarded with a nice bunch of fish to take home. Elvis the owner of Tennessee was here again. He caught quite a few walleyes over but also managed to get 4 yes 4 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies out of the house..
Nevada had jake and his two buddies. Jake did go with the crew and also managed to take home a couple elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Remember some is 3 or 4 a couple are 8 to 14 and a few are close to 20.Not sure why but when you ask a fishermen how many they caught they always say a couple like it was 2 or a few like it was 3? Most times if the houses do not do well, they always offer you, their minnows? but if they do well, they either chuck them or take them home? Natalie and the girls spent part of the day in Colorado where I think they took home 4.
Tim and his buddy were in california. Tim tagged into a big big something. He said it was just like it was snagged on the bottom, the same thing has happened to me twice over the years both times my bobber went down when I set the hook it was like a log that would not budge. I imagine a big sturgeon, Pike just no idea.
We had Josh and his daughters in Utah both the girls got to catch their first ever walleye on a grand lake that owes us nothing.
Well, it’s been quite some time that I’ve mentioned our fleet. Rusty trusty has been our work horse since the red baron broke the transfer case. I sure do miss driving that beast. Due to my surgery, I’ve only driven blue thunder on the lake once. Just as I was ready to start running her, she may have broken a timing chain. The boys are going to check. Black beauty has only had 1rst second and reverse. Which is fine for a lake truck. The little red trail blazer was or is going to be my ice vehicle this year but the flapper in the gas tank needs to be addressed as she only takes 25 cents of gas at a time.
Mathew and I have also drug out a couple of my old sleds to try and get running. We did get the 440 running for a second its beengreat bonding with him .I plan on picking up a fuel pump next to see if we can keep her running. I told him once he gets good sledding experience, I will also give him my old ultra The Rocket.
Old minnesota is still open for the weekend. If we do not get it occupied maybe me, The hammer and Mathew will spend a night or two out there this coming weekend. Its time to check the fluids and make the rounds the boys are out moving a few houses out to the crappie grounds. As every year when most are counting down the days our fleet will still be out well in to march we still have plenty of dates available to go after the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie cookie 218 556 6197

Feb 14th 2025 10 Yearsago

This is from 10 years ago yes 10 years ago when the elusive, yet still catchable crappies were Gone?
Good morning the story continues. Jacob my grandson caught his first upper red lake crappie as well as my daughter missy. Old Minnesota was on a new spot but never turned on like I had hoped. Jakes move over by Joel paid off big time and they all caught the elusive yet catchable upper red lake crappies into the evening until they went to bed. Jake had his magical moment at 5 30 am when he started catching them as fast as he could get his minnow down. I think he said he caught 17 in a row, since he was releasing them all it well could of been the same fish over and over? Sunday afternoon I moved old Minnesota one more time so Marty,Kellie and I could spend the night out there for the final night. We had a great toco dinner, caught just a couple elusive upper red lake crappies and had a couple of drinks as we reminisced about such a great season on such a grand lake. We stayed up way to late waiting for the mother load and Marty headed over to florida around 3 am. Marty started catching fish as soon as he walked into the house and never went to bed. I set up my bobber line and my dangler with the line going through a can it would fall into the hole and wake me up. I woke up at 5 am 2 hours later and both cans were floating in the holes. I grabbed the cans re lized my bobber was gone and started reeling it in and had a fish on. I bounced the fish off the bottom of the ice and snagged the lure a small rattle flyer on the bottom of the ice. I set that rod down and reeled in the other line with no minnow. I put on a minnow dropped it down and a fish came charging up. Yes it was a elusive upper red lake crappie. As I was removing the hook there was another big red line down there. I re baited and sent it down and Bam here came another. 2 in a row and another red line on the vex at the bottom. Now I was excited and ran my minnow down and wham again another as that fish was clearing the hole another would fill in the void. I said honey wake up and caught another, and another and another, I was not even counting as it was one after the other as fast as I could get the line down . Then I lost a fish with my blue phelps jig. The vex was still showing fish down there so I grabbed the hammers rod and reel with a blood line demon put on a minnow and ran it down and wham another fish. The next one was my big one and when I landed it I said honey wake up dangling my trophy in front of her. She set up, rubbed her eyes and turned on her vex and said where’s my rod there’s one down there. I handed her rod all baited up and she dropped it down, now I had no rod and reel set up. I started to try and un hook my flyer with my back to her when she said Crappie. I grabbed the fish threw it in the cooler as we wanted to take a couple home for dinner Tuesday night. I re baited her line and thought oh the rattle wheel it has waxies on it . I rolled it up, peeled off the waxies and put on a minnow as I ran the line down the hammer again said crappie. I dropped the line went to land her fish and the rattle wheel just kept ringing as a crappie hit it on the way down. I landed that crappie threw it in the cooler. By then the hammer had re baited and had another fish on. I grabbed her fish re baited the rattle wheel and ran it down while my sweetheart caught another and another. I landed another one on the rattle wheel as she kept catching fish . Then just like that they were gone. She caught atleast 7 in a row and I have no idea how many I caught. All I can say is Wow what a treat, Truly amazing ,all that hard work looking for the mother load for the houses and it happens the last morning old Minnesota and Florida would be on the lake.. It was bitter sweet as we packed up as I had to go do chores at the farm. Marty stayed out on the lake and cleaned up florida for the move home then went and fished in old Minnesota where he landed 5 more elusive upper red lake crappie’s during the day while I was gone. We ended up keeping 11 fish for a fish fry last night for Ole, Marty, the hammer and I. I cooked up 6 fish 12 fillets ,kept my trophy and Marty is taking two home and I have 3 fish in the freezer for another dinner for Kellie and I

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Last Minute Cancellations Act Now!

We have had a few last minute cancellations for two of our best houses: North Dakota & Alaska (Ice Castle). All come standard with augured holes, heating & generator! Only two weeks remain for the game fish season! If you act now, we will throw in a free GUIDED trip for the elusive yet highly catchable Red Lake crappie ($200 per person value)! Sitting on the couch is easy, you can’t catch fish if you aren’t on the grand lake that owes us nothing! Call Cookie now at 218-556-6197

Come out and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Feb 12th 2025 the last 11 nights of big game fishing coming to a end. we will then be chasing the elusive crappie

With only 12 days left of big game fishing left we had another busy week. with the way we have been making ice we will be crappie fishing well into april. At 20 below this morning she going to be a tougher day just slow and easy, don’t be in a hurry as my mentor cousin Pete taught me..
Again, it’s easy to blame the weather for the bite but sometimes it’s just the spot, the best depth has had the better fishing?
We had a huge cancelation for this coming weekend with two of our biggest houses open thursday friday saturday. North Dakota and Alaska. Jonny boy said if someone takes either house he will take them out on an elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie adventure while there here. Yesterday he did find the mother lode.
Kevin and Rollie were here for their annual trip this past weekend. They rent florida every year. They had a grand time on a grand lake and took home their limits. They have been coming for close to if not 20 years.
We teamed up with northwoods and bearpaw and offered a free night if you brought a kid or kids fishig. The first guy I picked it did not work out, so I ended going with a gentlemen named Floyde and his son of course I forgot his name.. They also had a grand time on a grand lake with the young man landing a few walleyes.
We had a nephew Bradly and his gal Mekenzie in Tennessee. They also had a grand time. Jonny boy took them on a crappie adventure where they landed 27 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Wayne and his two buddies one from Nebraska I be leave. They were in Utah, they also caught fish taking home a couple limits. Plus Jonny
boy pointed them in the right direction to land on the mother lode with their cheatmaster 300 fish eliminator.
Kevin and Rollie were here for florida they have been coming for close to 13 years. They went home with their limit and plan on coming same dates next year. Connie and her family were in alaska they caught a little of everything perch walleye pike and 1 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.
Rich in the cabin plus his son and brother used a couple houses as a day houses plus jonny took them and a couple staying in nevada out looking for the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. They found the motherload. Mathew and I drove out there but with the temps and wind we just stopped and said hi.
Our grandsons Jacob and Jason came up with a few friends and stayed in Texas. They did terrible so we moved them only to still not do that well. They did have a good time though.
Anthoney, Beth Coltan and Casey were in colorado for I be leave there third year. The first night was no good so we moved them to a new spot but the fishing was still tough for them.
Texas had Mark and his buddy in texas after we moved it again they caught 18 walleyes and a pike.
Montana had 2 phones go down Dusty was able to get one of the two back. Florida had Jesie and Austin he was so excited to be back again. he caught his biggest fish ever a 28 inch pike. plus they caught walleye and the second night she said the rattle wheels went off every 2 hours. we then had Greg and his crew in montana where they also did well.
We did get our hoodies in its best to call if you want one we have a limited amount of pink, orange and red they are 60.00
Its been a very busy week here so I have lost track of all the fishing reports. My short time memory is still bothering me. Back has its days but I be leave its better. I’ ve lifted a few generators and a couple gas cans where I kinda had no choice.
As that Old timer Dave Said to me Its A Grand lake and it owes me nothing

Feb 12 2025

With only 12 days left of big game fishing left we had another busy week. with the way we have been making ice we will be crappie fishing well into april. At 20 below this morning she going to be a tougher day just slow and easy, don’t be in a hurry as my mentor cousin Pete taught me..
Again, it’s easy to blame the weather for the bite but sometimes it’s just the spot, the best depth has had the better fishing?
We had a huge cancelation for this coming weekend with two of our biggest houses open thursday friday saturday. North Dakota and Alaska. Jonny boy said if someone takes either house he will take them out on an elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie adventure while there here. Yesterday he did find the mother lode.
Kevin and Rollie were here for their annual trip this past weekend. They rent florida every year. They had a grand time on a grand lake and took home their limits. They have been coming for close to if not 20 years.
We teamed up with northwoods and bearpaw and offered a free night if you brought a kid or kids fishig. The first guy I picked it did not work out, so I ended going with a gentlemen named Floyde and his son of course I forgot his name.. They also had a grand time on a grand lake with the young man landing a few walleyes.
We had a nephew Bradly and his gal Mekenzie in Tennessee. They also had a grand time. Jonny boy took them on a crappie adventure where they landed 27 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Wayne and his two buddies one from Nebraska I be leave. They were in Utah,they

Feb 6th 2025

Well here we go again. Last week we had Tim staying in old minnesota he was by himself and caught fish every day. Jimmy was here again with Todd they also caught fish. We have been doing much better for sure.
Cole with Matt and Dan were in utah for the weekend. The weather was all most short sleeve with the sun and no winds. I pointed them in the direction for a chance at the always elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. With there cheatmaster 3000 fish eliminator, they put the smack down on the fish and took home a limit. They also did well in the house with walleyes.
Rick was here again also they were in north dakota where they had off and on action both days with slower fishing after 9pm. I enjoyed some biscut and sausage gravy with them saturday morning, a french dip saturday eve. so so good. Thanks again for the lobster tails and steak. The hammer and I will enjoy that dinner.
Lucas a nephew was here with friends. The were staying in montana. They also took home some fish.
Eric his wife Amanda plus there 4 boys seemed like they were having a good time. I tracked down some poker chips for them so I hope they played some fun poker. Always fun to see kids playing poker, brings back my own card playing memories as a kid. Again, the old short time memory haunts me as how well they did.
The hammers sister Shellchick and Grandma stayed in old minnesota they took home their limits. Elvis was here again in his house Tennessee he also went home with his four.
Colorado had Steave his dad and another. The guys checked on them throughout the weekend I never did make it to their house. They did go home with some fish.
Nevada had Adam a friend and 3 younger boys. They also caught some fish.
Eric was here with his family in Texas. They also took home some fish. Sorry about the poor fishing numbers but just lost track of how everyone did. Mark was in california they also had good fishing. It was nice to see all the houses had action. With some doing better then others.
It was a busy week as sunday we had a few turnovers. Again the guys are doing a tremendous job without me dictating what or how to do things. I have my way and will always do it the way I’ve done for over 20 years slow and patience. Never be in a hurry.
Banjo Mike showed up sunday for north dakota they did real well taking home 16 with their 4 overs.
Les his wife and their two friends were in florida. We offered to move them the second day but they were good. Les really wants them elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. They were here earlier this year but the brutal cold and wicked wind got the best of them. Matt was here with his daughter we did move them the second day and Zoie got her first ever walleye a nice plump 19 incher. Tuesday and wednesday the guys got a break with nothing rented so they banged out getting everything on fresh spots for thursday on.
Matty our grandson went out to old Minnesota on a spot I liked. We did well with 13-year-old Mathew catching a 20 a 16 1/2 and a 16 3/4. plus i got a 18 we also lost a few in the 3 hours we fished. The whole team had a fishing contest from 4 pm to 9am as everyone was scouting out new areas. Mathew went to bed with the lead with dusty a close second with three fish all in the 16 range. We screwed up should of stuck it out as 8am the next morning Dusty went out to catch his fourth fish to win it all. It made for some good memories, ribbing,camaraderie on a group chat, on a lake that owes us nothing nothing