With the ice reports all over the internet , conditions different at every access. I would say its best to check reports on the access you are planning on using. Most if not all the phone calls about ice conditions and fishing reports can be found on social media . We still have plenty of openings for fish house rentals . I be leave Hillmens also has plenty of rentals this season still open , Including the behemoth double decker that sleeps 10 to 12. There phone number is 218 647 8504 We use Hillmens access during the ice season, I talked to Buddy Hillmen this morning . He will be allowing Wheelers/sleds out up to 2 miles. He also said to mention to drive slow and use extreme caution. as there is quite a bit of rough ice. With another lite snow and breeze the rough broken ice will catch snow and may be harder to see. Beacon Harbor is also allowing wheelers and sleds I be leave. They did have a fishing report on there facebook page. Westwind the premier resort here on upper red lake is well organized and also ready to go. There were just a handful of portables on the lake yesterday. I think I saw a couple out of beacon harbor, 2 out of hillmens and 4 or 5 out of westwind. I did get out again last night deer hunting. I also had a shot. I missed. I’m shooting a recurve with no sites . I’ve taken a deer with a shotgun. 20 gauge, a rifle 30 30, a compound bow. So I went back to the recurve a few years ago. Man do I have the stories of all the misses over the years. It seems with a bow something always goes wrong. I can say that I think hunting with a bow makes you a much better hunter as you have to plan for shots under 30 yards. 2 years ago I was set up just off a snowmobile trail. If a deer walked by me it would be a 15 to 20 yard shot. A small buck appeared to my left. He was coming right down the trail. I stood up. Grabbed my bow as I watched him through the corner of my eyes. I only sit about 5 feet off the ground, with no cover to speak of my plan was to let him walk by, I would take the shot just after he passed. As he slowly passed by I took one step to turn as I drew back . The seat tipped down and spooked him. Off he went. Standing there reviewing what happen I thought? Man should I have pulled back while he was more in front of me. I thought would he of seen me move. I reenacted what happen pulling my arrow back , aiming right in front of me again, thinking would he of seen me make that move. I repeated this about 5 times. I then hung up my bow and set down. Not long after I here a ruckus to my right. I stand up ,look down the trail ,here comes a nice 10 pointer. Full speed.! He is going to run right where I was practicing aiming. I pull back and let her fly. My arrow wacks him right in the rib, he never even flinches or slows down. I watch him run down the trail with my arrow sticking in the side of him as he turns the corner. I get down , right where I hit him there”s deer hair all over, I get to where he jumped a fallen tree , more hair, I get to where he turned the corner and there’ s my arrow bent in half with no broadhead.We never found a drop of blood. Bob harvested the same deer 4 days later. I found a small hole in his hide directly on a rib bone about the size of a pencil eraser. Now back to last night. All of a sudden I here what I think is a deer running through the woods. I grab my bow, about 3 minutes later here comes a doe walking right where I expect, She’s going with the wind. She is going to walk right where I have shot a flu flu arrow every night I’ve set in that spot. I always pick a spot and fling a arrow before I get down. She had no clue I was there, I pulled back as she stepped out and my glove is right in my sight line. It throws my concentration off, I ended up panicking and flinging my arrow rather then resetting . I’m glad I missed , another lesson is put in the books. Take off glove? Different glove? Hunt when its warmer so I do not need gloves, The list goes on and on. Its the thrill of the hunt. Well everyone have a happy thanksgiving cookie
Author Archives: cookie
november 20th 2018
I saw on face book beacon harbor is allowing wheelers and sleds. I never got to talk to Buddy hillmen yesterday but I imagine its getting closer for him to also allow wheelers and sleds. Jonny boy and I got all the house’s ready to move. once we hit that consistent 14 inches of ice on our end. The temps dropped to -2 last night, You would think that should of made a little more ice.Then it started to warm up and we got a sprinkle of new snow. I would say less then 1/2 a inch. I’m hoping to get out in the woods again tonight. At least for the last hour. I’ll plan on still hunting to my stand with a flu- flu arrow knocked in case I get another chance at that fat grouse I saw. This time I’m not going to hesitate and take the shot asap. I counted just a few pop ups out there yesterday. I did see two wheelers come from the south but have no clue where they got access to the lake, I imagine it may of been someone with a cabin on the shore line. We should see quite a few more fishermen after thanksgiving, I expect it will be a little bit busier that last weekend. I do have a few friends coming up Friday, so I will have a first hand report on how they do. Knock on wood both blue thunder and the red baron are in good shape as of now. The little grey kia needs a little work but it does have good heat so that’s a plus. I see it s 9 so better get to work
november 19th 2019
The first weekend of fishable ice has come and gone. I read somewhere that waskish would be a zoo this weekend.? Saturday afternoon I counted maybe 30 portables out of Hillmens.The ice breaking up down on the south end may of calmed things down for sure. The dnr was out there racing around on a sled checking fishermen saturday. Not sure how he got on the lake but I’m thinking Hillmens was probably not thrilled to see that . I say it again common sense should be used at all time on upper red lake. Watch the weather. When its a white out on the lake it can be pretty spooky. When the winds blow the lake can have many variable’s. When the weather warms drastically the ice can expand and play havoc on things. A small crack can explode into a season long pressure ridge. We did not have any guest this past weekend but I did talk to a few fishermen. The reports were mixed. . One guy I gave instructions to said it was slow , they caught 20 and kept 16? That was all day so 4 guys caught 5 fish apiece or 1 every 2 hours. So I guess that would be slow. I also heard of a few that got skunked. I still have no plans on going on the lake un tell I can drive out with blue thunder. The day I drive out there means I will be on the lake every day tell mid march so I’m never in a hurry. Plus my mentor cousin Pete taught me long ago 17 years to be exact slow and patient.I did squeeze in church on sunday. I always feel a bad when I keep skipping, then I end up prolonging going. A few nicer deer were taken the last few days . I had a huge grouse in my sites last night and did not take the shot. I think it was the biggest, fattest, grouse I ever saw. No deer from my stand but more tracks so its very encouraging. My plans were to pull my stand but I’m going to give it a few more shots as the peace and tranquility of sitting there is very relaxing, Plus if I see a deer you get that adrenaline rush . Today the plans are to button up the fish houses and break them loose, I’m thinking they may be going on the ice by the weekend of the 7th. I have added on a ice castle this year but have not named it as yet, They are bringing it up the end of the month.
november 17th 2018
From 2 to 5 to 7? What started as 2 fishermen Tylor and John last week. Wednesday Bill and Hays spent the night and walked out with not much luck. All though Bill is a photographer and said he never wet a line as he snapped pic after pic of the sunset. I caught the tail end of it and should of snapped a picture myself, as it was spectacular to say the least. Not even sure there’s a name for the color, maybe blood red? Thursday morning hays was not feeling very well so Bill went out on his own. Down at the lake working I saw 5 fishermen counting Bill. Yesterday it was up tp 7. I have had a dozen calls, how thick is the ice, how’s the fishing? Buddy Hillmen of Hillmens resort says around 5 inches, They are allowing walking traffic out to a mile where his road stakes stop. I have heard of 5 fish caught and 1 lost at the hole so that’s the fishing report. Some one said it would be a zoo up here this weekend since the south end had that strong wind . I would have to disagree as I have no one spending the night here until after thanksgiving?All the house are prepped down at the lake and ready to go other then a few little things. If anyone stays down there they will have to be cleaned again but that’s fine with me. Jonny boy did not get out as he was a little under the weather. I did get a shot at a grouse with my recurve going out to my stand Thursday night. It was a shot through the brush and my arrow just missed. I ‘ll always give up being quiet when I have a chance at a grouse, either when I’m going, sitting or leaving my hunting area. Years ago I took a grouse in the air with my recurve and flu flu arrow. I would love a repeat of that. Plus the hammer loves the way I make grouse as do I. I was going to pull my deer stand but now have second thoughts . Some venison in the freezer would be nice. I like cutting up steak in super thin pieces then quick frying for a minute steak sandwich. Plus I’m still trying to harvest a deer with my recurve
november 16th 2018
I talked to Buddy Hillmen yesterday around 10 am . As of yesterday his plans were to allow walk outs starting today out of there resort. While I was prepping houses down at the lake yesterday there were about 7 fishermen wondering around out there . My son Jonny boy says he may hook up with a guy staying at westwind that he knows and wet a line today, With any luck we could be have fresh walleye with our steak tonight. I’m still doing a little bow hunting. We moved my stand Monday so I have set out there 2 evenings.Yesterday it started snowing like crazy, The snow tapered off around 2pm. We got about 1 inch. I headed to my stand around 3 and darn if a deer had not walked right under my stand some time after the snow stopped. Plus another came racing through heading south while another was heading east. All fresh tracks after the snow stopped. Crazy deer. I might give it another shot tonight but will see.
nov. 15th 2018
From what I have been reading and pictures posted the winds were plenty strong enough to move the ice to the north .
I was down at the lake off and on all day yesterday . You could hardly notice it was windy down there as our property has 8 acres of trees. The ice looks about the same as it did 3 days ago but again I have not stepped out onto the ice.
I hope to hook up with Buddy Hillmen today to see what he has to say as we use his access to run our rental operation.
I’m still plugging away detailing the houses. I had blue thunder down at the lake yesterday and Jonny boy noticed a few loose bolts on the drive shaft which was a huge catch and more then likely saved me from damaging a drive shaft “Good job buddy” We also found a little repair Job on North Dakota while we were getting it off the ground.
I forgot to mention a good friend of ours and his son Harry and Ben have a beautiful cabin they are renting this year. The Dahlin Lodge. dahlinlodge.com I think it sleeps at least 6 guys.
I did get out to my new deer hunting spot last night. The winds were moving the trees around quite a bit so no deer last night. I did have a grouse that snuck up to me from behind. He then flushed right under my stand. He all most caused me to fall out of my stand. He was lucky I did not see him as I always have flu flu arrow when I’m hunting with my bow. The plan is to sit again tonight as it was so peaceful out there last night. well its after 9 and we start at 9
november 14th 2018
And just like that they were walking on the lake. saw Tyler was fishing yesterday, I think its his goal to be the first one to catch the first fish every year. My phone was crazy yesterday with call after call How much ice? What I’m hearing is 3 to 5 inches with walking traffic by the weekend. Of course just like every year the north shore still has open water? With this warm up and winds a crack could turn into a pressure ridge so common sense needs to be used at all times.
Jonny boy and I got a few more things done yesterday and are plugging along, the reservation book is slowly filling in with weekends but by no means full. A lot of our same customers have called which is always a treat. I see a lot of outfits offer houses on shore for early ice . Give us a call and we can also set you up.
Jonny boy helped me move my portable stand Monday so I plan on trying to stick a deer tonight and possible tomorrow . Then its time to hang up the bow for the season.
All the houses are coming along as I do inventory and track down all the pots, pans, silver ware, tvs, dvds, ash trays , comforters, pillow cases, dishes, etc.
We plan on firing up the generators and augers today. I’m sure Jonny boy is dying to wet a line as he loves to fish. He has that passion that he shares with Tylor. The weather would not cooperate the fall with our boat.
I may be adding a grand ice castle this year? It will sleep 4 and also be a non smoking house.
If ryan that was going to stay here in the cabin next week sees this give me a call
November 12th 2018
Well well well its that time of year again. Reports of ice as far as you can see? We have gotten roughly 3 inches of snow as the ice formed so there’s a layer of snow covering the ice sheet. I have not seen a picture from space on the internet yet but expect that will show up soon. I expect a few locals will be walking on the ice to start checking things out today? The one nice thing as the first few hundred yards the waters only a foot or two so if you do break through your feet may get wet. Once people start to venture out on the lake please use common sense. A pressure ridge can pop up any time especially when it warms up a bit or the wind start to blow, no fish is worth a rescue operation.
You can see some piled up ice way out as the winds were blowing pretty good a few days ago.
Our good friends Bob and Rick headed home after a week of deer hunting. Bobs son Luke also came up .It was nice seeing Luke. It had been quite a few years since Luke had went off to collage. The area we hunt was pretty bleak. Luke did see 2 deer, a buck and a doe, Bob saw a doe. Jonny boy our son and I also hunted with our bows. We never saw any.
I may get out a few more times when it warms up a bit.
We again had some great meals, a little cards. I did my smothered burritos , Rick did a few meals in his dutch oven.
We got the water drained in the 3 season cabin . I’ll get the other cabin cleaned up today. We will also have to drain the water in the laundry room today.
Jonny boy and I got the new gas tank in the red baron just in time before the super cold hit. I’ll fire her up today.
I will also fire up blue thunder again today. White lightings water pump is out. We thought it was the lower radiator hose so I dropped the ball on that one. I have to decide what to do about that.
Old minnesotas furnace got a good cleaning and seems to be working real nice .Knock on wood.
We will be firing up all the heaters this week and giving the houses one more cleaning before we pull them out of the woods. We did add one new house this year California, it has 3 beds,6 holes,4 burner stove. indoor biffy.
Every year the reports start trickling in about ice conditions, I personally will not be walking out on the ice any time soon. I imagine I will have blue thunder on the ice around dec 7th give or take a few days.
The reservation books are slowly filling with quite a few repeat customers. February still looks a little bleak. We do still have plenty of open dates with 20 percent off sunday through Wednesdays.
We will be able to keep 4 fish again this year with one over 17 inches. I expect good fishing again this year after going out with the dnr checking there nets this fall I was way impressed.
September 15th 2018
Not sure where summer went but she’s on the verge of heading south.
I personally have not been fishing but have heard of a few fish getting caught.
I can tell you first hand there are fish out there as Tuesday I was able to ride along with Tony the big lake specialist as they pulled there survey nets. Tony said they have been averaging 25 walleye per net. It was quite interesting pulling in the nets . Quite a verity of sizes with the biggest one around 23 inches. There also getting quite a few golden eyes which will be good for the pike. All the walleyes caught are aged and checked for male or females. There were also some pike, perch, sheephead.
I’ve wanted to get out fishing but its seems I’m at work when its not windy. We will keep a eye on the weather and try and get out. The plan is to pull the boat out mid October at this time so we should get out a couple of times you would think.
Its also time to tackle the to do list for the up and coming winter. Last weekend we were able to pull the gas tank out of the red baron as it started to leak gas at the end of last winter.
I got some new rear shocks for blue thunder. The white chevy has a antifreeze leak so there’s plenty of truck work to deal with .
We also added California to our fleet of fish house’s. All the houses need to be detailed out.
I expect good fishing again this winter. Every year is different , last years early ice was a nice bonus.
the winds are howling today so no fishing for us today.
8 14 2018
well again its been some time since I have posted any fishing reports. There was a window when the big pike turned on. Last week I stopped at the beach where the dnr were doing some seining samples and I was amazed at all the small fish they caught. It was very cool to see. They have 5 spots they do. There were small 1 inch Quillbacks, sheephead, crappies perch. 3 inch walleyes, suckers, shiners, emerald river and spot tale. they bust of had 300 little fish . To think that was just a fraction of the lake just amazes me. I’m going to try and find a crankbait that looks like a sheephead.
My brother Warren is here for a week ,it sure is nice having such a nice brother as he always brings me gifts, He brought a small speaker that will pick up phone through blue tooth way cool. We did get out and fish sunday and managed to catch 10 fish with only 3 being keepers. Not quite sure where the big ones are hiding but we will be getting out a couple more times.
the lake is still way down . We had a little run of 4 inches of rain and since then barely a sprinkle. Still loving my job at the golf course, free golf is very good .
Hunting season is just around the corner and I expect Bob and Rick to make plans to come up in October.
Had a couple more emails for ice fishing, some people sure know how to plan.
I just missed my goal of canning 12 jars of blueberrys. I’m all ready down to 4 jars.