Little testy yesterday? yes its true. Another busy day for me yesterday. Marty and his buddy headed out to see Wayne while I wrote my fishing report.
Wayne text yesterday morning that we were having generator trouble? We worked on it through the phone and wayne was able to get it running better at half choke. We discovered that the foam air filter was breaking down and I think the jet/ needle and seat may be clogged. So this morning I’m headed out to the shop . Laundry room to remove and clean the carb.
Yesterday with Wayne’s help, we putt he new plug wires on the red baron. Wow what a difference. Knock on wood she /he now runs like I want it to.
After saying good by to wayne I was off to get North Dakota on a new spot and out of the standing water. Then I dug florida out of its spot and got that on dry ice? Dave Rohde arrives today so I will get north Dakota all blocked banked and ready fro there arrival. I also plan on moving old Minnesota to that area. Then florida needs to travel over by montana for the weekend.
All that nice weather we had , and even though it was warm yesterday the wind had picked up a bit and it was a little chilly while I was working out there. II’ll make sure I dress better for it this morning.
I did make the rounds last night around 8pm. I did not expect Marty and his buddy to have much action and I was right. 4th night on the same spot.
Keith and Tesa had 3 nice fish yesterday morning and had missed a few. The lights were dim when I arrived out there so I will see how they did today. A wheel house parked right behind north dakata where I had it so I’m curious to see how they did. My friend Lee set up 100 yards to the west of old Minnesota so we will also see how he did.
Looking at the weather the winds are going to be out of the west for some time so all the houses will be facing east by the weekend.
Well time to get to work. Hillmen’s highway should be in great shape by the weekend as the cold weather freezes up the standiing water