I earned my money today. After opening up a trail to California and Minnesota I was back home to meet Bruce and his two friends and get them checked into Montana then off to get California. When I pulled it into that spot last Thursday I had a heck of a time and paid for it today as she was froze in pretty good. It took quite the doing but as the sun went down I was on the road heading to a new area.
I still have not had time to retrieve my sled and it sounds like Kelly P may have ploughed out to it. With so much going on all I can do is hope its safe until I can get out there. It’s not abandoned just broken and stranded at the time. I think it was much safer before a road was ploughed to it but how was he supposed to know.
Tomorrow is another super busy day as Pat and his crew will be rolling in Thursday for 4 houses and my goal was to have them all on new spots. Then Friday Idaho and California have customers. Plus we have New York rented Saturday and again Sunday. Then let’s not forget Mother Nature lurking to do her damage.