We had a few guests this past week. They all went fishing with either Jonny boy or dusty with great success. Jimmy teamed up with Dusty more as a helper then a fisherman he Thurley enjoyed helping and watching customers landing the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Glen had the 2 boys that were not giving up until they got on the mother lode. Dusty said they would not stop tell his cheatmaster 3000 fish eliminators battery wore out.
Mark is a chef from Rush creek golf course. He is not a golfer so not sure if I can fenagle a free round. He was a diehard fishing outside every day. He had no interest of keeping any fish just loves the chase. Jonny and Dusty also guided a few groups with great success.
Hillmans road is still in good shape, this could be the last weekend depending on mother nature. We still have open houses set up on crappie grounds.
Jake is on his way up with Laken. Jake will go home sun and wind burned as he will not give up looking for the mother lode. Dusty set up a wheelhouse last night around 10:30pm she has 6 on the ice from the house. Utah has Joel they only got 1 perch 1 crappie and 1 walleye. The boys are out moving a few houses this morning.
The weather looks great for the next few days, I’ll take cloudy over sunshine to help save the landing.
For over 20 years I have had trouble pulling the plug. Even though I did not work as much on this grand lake this year. I’m already looking forward to next year. With Jonny boy at the helm we hope and plan on changing things for the better and not get walked on.
One year we even water skipped to get to the crappie grounds. I somehow got the hammer on the sled nick named the “rocket” with her holding on tight we took off across the open water all of 50yards if not more. Coming in as I was lining up a straight shot just as went to speed up the sled stumbled. With no room to stop I hit the throttle, and we shot across like a rocket. We made it to shore, and the hammer said in a pretty loud voice never again.
Buddy Hillman got so good at it he could lean and turn.