feb 25th 2025 And the fishing continues

This year the big game fishing ended on a high note with good fishing, warm weather plenty of limits.
A big thank you goes out to all our customers. As in most years a few hic ups but the team handle everything with high standards which was great. I have always tried to be a good host and treat customers like I would like to be treated. There were many many compliments about our guys from our customers which make me feel really good. Jonny boy, Dusty, Dave,and Mathew could not of done any of it without you guys giving it your all.
The back is doing ok I still have not made the motion of a golf swing. Our grandson Matty has been helping me in-between his online schoolwork with any heavier lifting etc.
We added a newer vehicle to the fleet as blue thunder 2 sits sadly down by the lake. The newer vehicle is called casper the beast. Another chevy 454. Just like every year we have a list of repairs building as we push on chasing the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.
Speaking of these special fish I do not want to be a hypocrite if a customer wants to keep 10 fish that is completely up to them. We are keeping our houses out as long as conditions allow. We did have jimmy here for two nights, he could of went home with 10 if he could have landed them in the house as he said he missed more then he caught he went home happy with 8.
This past weekend we were full for the final weekend North dakota had Tim and his crew they landed 11 of the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies in the house. Plus 3 limits or close to it of some nice healthy walleyes.
Florida had Tom and his gal they managed 3 elusive yet still catchable red lake crappies plus a few walleyes in the house.
Jt had montana and tenneessee. They were way happy with the walleyes they caught and also plan on coming back next year.
Alaska had Tarha and her guy they had landed one nice elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie in the house. They also ventured out looking for the mother lode with no luck. They did take home a pale of fish.
Colorado had the owner of the house with his friends in Utah. They went crappie chasing both days. All caught at least 1 including bobs daughter? They never landed on a big school but managed to take home a couple.
Cal had Dave and his buddy. They had no interest chasing crappies but did easily take home there 8 walleyes. Dusty did say they are coming back for a chance to chase the mother lode. Jeff and bethany were in texas with beths dad and sister in nevada. They did some serious partying. Sleeping late into the morning both days. I have no clue if they managed to catch any fish at all. Old minnesota had Beth and brian I stopped 3 times to visit and managed to miss them all 3 times. I know they went crappie hunting and when they came back to the house, they did get at least 2 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie’s.
We do have a couple guest tonight and tomorrow.
The plan is to get all the houses out into areas that we have a chance of a night bite into the morning. I’m also going to offer 25% off the rest of the season. Our plans are to stick it out until the 17th on a grand lake that owes us nothing