feb 18th 2025

With just 6 more nights for keeping big game fish I may have to see if I can land a couple to save for walleye dinner this April. we have been quite busy battling mother nature. The fleet has been towed this way that way up down over etc. Our grandson Mathew has been helping grampa with any lifting
shoveling etc. he is learning a few hard knocks along the way. Jinxei Dave broke my lite number 2 shovel, so I told him make sure and bring me a new one.
The fishing has again been up and down with the better walleye bite just under 10 feet. I had the treat of having my brother here for a few nights with our niece Amanda and My sister bonzo as I call her. We had a lot of great laughs, caught a few fish, no elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies this time which I was quite surprised as the house was put into a fishy area. We did go down to jrs for a fantastic fish fry as always. I got a chance to say hi to Adam.
Jimmy was in california and his parents were in florida. they did not do to well but did manage to take a couple fish home.
We offered a free outdoor elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie trip to try and rent alaska the last minute Chris and his gal took us up and were not disappointed as Jonny boy and trusty dusty came through finding the mother lode for a few of our guest that were willing too battle mother nature.
Florida had Brian and Becky they took home 7 keeper walleyes. They said they will be back.
Dave and his Family Were in was in Montana when I stopped too visit I timed it just right has they had a pile of fish to eat. They were so good with just a little bite to the batter cooked to a golden perfection.
Andy the owner of texas was also here. They joined Jonny and Dusty in the brutal elements and also were rewarded with a nice bunch of fish to take home. Elvis the owner of Tennessee was here again. He caught quite a few walleyes over but also managed to get 4 yes 4 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies out of the house..
Nevada had jake and his two buddies. Jake did go with the crew and also managed to take home a couple elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Remember some is 3 or 4 a couple are 8 to 14 and a few are close to 20.Not sure why but when you ask a fishermen how many they caught they always say a couple like it was 2 or a few like it was 3? Most times if the houses do not do well, they always offer you, their minnows? but if they do well, they either chuck them or take them home? Natalie and the girls spent part of the day in Colorado where I think they took home 4.
Tim and his buddy were in california. Tim tagged into a big big something. He said it was just like it was snagged on the bottom, the same thing has happened to me twice over the years both times my bobber went down when I set the hook it was like a log that would not budge. I imagine a big sturgeon, Pike just no idea.
We had Josh and his daughters in Utah both the girls got to catch their first ever walleye on a grand lake that owes us nothing.
Well, it’s been quite some time that I’ve mentioned our fleet. Rusty trusty has been our work horse since the red baron broke the transfer case. I sure do miss driving that beast. Due to my surgery, I’ve only driven blue thunder on the lake once. Just as I was ready to start running her, she may have broken a timing chain. The boys are going to check. Black beauty has only had 1rst second and reverse. Which is fine for a lake truck. The little red trail blazer was or is going to be my ice vehicle this year but the flapper in the gas tank needs to be addressed as she only takes 25 cents of gas at a time.
Mathew and I have also drug out a couple of my old sleds to try and get running. We did get the 440 running for a second its beengreat bonding with him .I plan on picking up a fuel pump next to see if we can keep her running. I told him once he gets good sledding experience, I will also give him my old ultra The Rocket.
Old minnesota is still open for the weekend. If we do not get it occupied maybe me, The hammer and Mathew will spend a night or two out there this coming weekend. Its time to check the fluids and make the rounds the boys are out moving a few houses out to the crappie grounds. As every year when most are counting down the days our fleet will still be out well in to march we still have plenty of dates available to go after the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie cookie 218 556 6197