Mother nature decided enough was enough and reared her ugly side Starting Friday. The winds came in with a relentless fury. The drifts started to build around each house throughout the day right into the evening. After two days There are 3-foot drifts that you can drive right over with a truck the snow is packed so hard. I do not quite understand the science of how the wind can do that.
I was out friday evening fishing with our good friend Wayne. A pulled the plug around 10 pm. I had to have Jonny boy escort me off the lake blazing a trail with rusty trusty and her v-plow.
We did have two no shows that really put a sting on us. I have always done a handshake over the phone rather than have most customers send a deposit. But having 2 full time guys. Me not doing any of the manual labor. From here on out we will be having a new policy. We do take Venmo at this time as well as mailing deposit. The future we shall also plan on taking credit cards. The part that really stung is MLK weekend has always filled fast with many many many calls that I refer out.
Wayne and I probably had the worst of the fishing. We did miss some bites. I lost a nice keeper at the hole as I did not want to take any chances with my back so tried to hoist it out. We did have a grand time laughing, playing cards, reminiscing having a couple cocktails with diner in old Minnesota.
Tennessee had the owner Elvis he did go home with his 4 plus released quite a few fish.
Florida had Terry, Sarah, Ken and Carl They have been coming for years. They also had a grand time. They went home with almost there limit plus let some bigger one go. They always bring me a few homemade breakfast burritos and venison sticks. They said thanks are headed home already planning on coming again next year.
California had Som Courtney and Oliver their dog. The figured they caught 15 fish.
Andy, Andy, Sam the rest of the crew caught fish plus had me over to try some eel pout and Venison, the eelpout was good but the venison back strap was cooked to perfection so so good. They had Colorado and Utah again they have also been coming for years.
Our granddaughter Asley poo her Hubby Justin and our newest great grandchild Wesley 7th generation on the lake fished in North Dakota They also caught some fish but released them for another day as they don’t eat many fish. I guess next time I make fish I will tell them it’s chicken.
Momata had Ryan and his crew. They also did well even though quite a bit of time they were fishing for a phone that they did manage to get back.
Texas had Kaiti hubby Jake? plus the kids they also got some fish, but they also had a slower house.
Our houses never had the chance to release a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie the weekend as none were caught. If you happen to get one where we are fishing more than likely it will be over 15 inches and a loaner chasing some shiners, once there that size, I assume they would be hard to eat from any fish looking for a meal. We do have a couple guest we are waiting for today. They drew the short straw as We have not started to again move houses do the cold. The high for today has been -19. We can give them a couple options with one being a house further out that our friends D and D ice fishing that did well on some elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies on a grand lake that owes us nothing