Dec 28th 2022

Monday is quite a blur as it was a 14-hour day counting a 6-hour trip to Bemidji to purchase another generator drop another off for repair. Seem’ s this year my generators want to throw me fits so if you own one and are coming it would not hurt to bring it as a backup.
I did get out to say goodbye to shelly, bob and their crew. Like always the fishing could have been better but they had a grand time and plan on coming back next year. Shelly was telling me they are going to Africa hunting, how’s that for something on a bucket list. Such a nice family I already look forward to seeing them again next year. Bob sure like to ice fish. as well as fish and hunt in general.
Yesterday with Jonny boy, Jake, Darrin and his boy Joe we made the plan to move all 8 houses just a little further west to get all the houses on a fresh area. We did have a few hick ups, Blue thunder straight blade plow seems to have a bad connection, so Darrin did most of the banking with his plow truck. I have to take our flat tire to get repaired today plus go to Bemidji again to pick up new power cables for blue thunders plow.
The red baron had a hick up towards the end of the day. At this time, it cleared itself up but was flooding itself for a bit. Fuel pressure in throttle body?
No clue what’s going on with the generators, I had changed all the oil on them just a week ago. We had some bad gas one year and they all crashed within hours of each other, but I do not think that’s the problem.
We have Kara and Jeff staying in florida, they brought sleds for some portable fishing. The best fishing reports I have heard are the fisherman fishing miles away from all the traffic on the lake now. Kara jumped in upon their arrival and cleaned a couple of the houses for me. Another great couple of people. One of the perks of this work is all the nice people you get to meet throughout the season. Once we can get things find tuned and running like a well-oiled machine, I’m hoping to visit a little more with old and new customers.
Yesterday was a little comical at times as we had 4 vehicle’s out there with our big move. Quite a few times someone needed something that was in another truck, jack, blocks, chisel, shovel, generator, gas, fish house keys just too name a few. I have no idea where all my shovels have gone so that on the bemidji list also today.
I did talk to jake a few minutes ago he has gotten 5 overnight. Colorado with bob and his crew had 3 both those houses have the pandonimics and are seeing fish plus schools of shiners.
Keith and his 2 grandsons in alaska only had 1 last night when I swung in. California had 1 before dark. the rest of the houses I will see how they did today.
Mark, Tony and their crew from Black pearl fishing have sleds. They said last night all 3 places they fished they caught numerous fish.
I expect the pressure ridge to get a little active today if it warms up as much as they say so we will see.
Hillmans Road only goes out about a mile and half at this time
with a bridge at a half mile. Buddy Hillman did get his Double decker out there.
I measured 16 inches of ice where were fishing so were still getting some flooding. I have also seen some slush pockets out there at this time. Cross country travels with a wheelhouse would be quite the challenge.
We will keep plugging away. Trusty rusty our red chevy may be fixed and also needs to be picked up at the mechanic’s shop. The equipment sure takes a beating out there, I’m still a believer as slow and study, take your time, do not be in a hurry. This is what I was taught from my mentor cousin Pete.