My guess is mother nature took a good look around the lake and found some snow she had not blown around, so yesterday a north north east wind put a nice chill in the air and again drifted in the main road to the point of needing plowing most of the main road again. Our driveways at least did not fill in but there are some drifts to knock down.
I have never really counted down the days tell the season ends but this year with the amount of snow on the lake I have caught myself counting them down. 4 nights to go 5 if you count sunday night.
With predicted light and variable winds today and tomorrow Jonny boy and I may be lost out there.
The hammer and I decided we would get in another night of fishing and have dinner out there. I got her set up first. she missed her first fish of many within ten minutes. It was quite comical as I tried to get my set up, she kept losing fish or missing them. Every time I was threading my line on the jig she would have a fish on. I would drop what I was doing go pull her vex line up only to have her lose another fish. A couple of them may have been keepers but we will never know. She commented there were all sorts of fish down there as I turned on my vex only to have her batterie die within seconds of me getting my line down. I set her up with mine so we could put a charge on hers.
Now it was time to start dinner, so my fishing was done. dinner turned out ok with fish, Brockley, and noodles.
The hammer did land 3 fish but there were just little scuffits. One may have been pushing 15. After dinner we fished for a little longer then decided to pack up as I was beat. Packing up is a big chore also. Coming in we had made the right decision of bringing red rusty trusty as we would never of made it in with the car.
Brian and Stacy have been in florida we checked them in tuesday, this is there tenth year staying with us on the anniversary. They did all right the first night getting a 18, 16, and 15-inch walleye,6 keeper perch, and 1 very elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Stacy had commented she sure would like to catch one. She was rewarded with a nice 14 incher.
Jake was also up sunday , monday. He helped Jonny boy and I move a couple of the houses. They caught enough to have a fish fry at westwinds monday eve, Jake and Gabrial just love the way they do their fish there plus Gabrial always has a bowl of westwind famous wild rice soup.
Tyler also came in with his 2 boys, we had plowed them a spot and they had 6 fish to eat. They also headed home yesterday with at least 5 more they caught yesterday.
I also set up mike and his two buddy’s in north dakota so we will see how they did today. They were only staying the one night.
Of course, we have another busy day as montana and old minnesota have guest coming today as well as setting up Darrin’s 2 houses for his cousins. Friday will be busy as old minnesota and montana will need to be moved and reset plus, I be leave we have a couple wheelhouses coming. With all the snow they are basically getting a driveway off the main road.
The final weekend we have 5 of the seven houses with repeat customers, just the way I like it on a grand lake that owes us nothing.