jan 24th 2022

Wow Mother nature was mad friday as we worked are assess off moving 5 houses in white out conditions. Clancy, john and Zack in north dakota got to enjoy the show from the comforts of a warm cozy house. They did get 8 fish and a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie thursday night.
We had to have Gary and his two grandsons Luke and Will pack there things on the bed as Florida had to be moved. Thay had 6 keepers from thursday night. The new spot was not as good but the house was safe again.
Montana was next. Mitch and Tracy would be arriving around 2. We got them checked in a little late as again the conditions were a battle to say the least. Sometimes you were lucky to see 100 yards. Mitch had been here over 10 years ago. I never got to spend much time visiting with them. They only got 3 keepers. Again at least the houses were safe.
I checked in Jerry and Susie into old minnesota. they got 4 nice keepers the first night with the biggest coming at 230 am. Super nice couple that are still here.
Alaska and Utah had the owners in them. Alaska got 4 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies with my old helper Big Tony landing 2 over 14 inches. They also got a few walleyes. Utah had also gotten at least one elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.. No idea how many walleyes they caught as he left early sunday morning.
California had Jarrod, Rupa, and Landon. They arrived saturday just after we got the house moved. We had moved it before the big blow so we just had to dig it out and take it to a new spot. The door was cracked open when I walked in. There was basically a truck load of snow in the house, I was not planning on that. They have also caught 2 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies and a few walleyes.
Still trying too get the electrical problem solved on the red baron. I did talk to my old friend Tommy that owned a street rod shop I worked at 25 years ago. He is a wiring Genius so he gave me some things to try to find where the short may be..
Blue thunder was mad at me yesterday morning. I managed to flood her when I went to start her. At 20 below I screwed up pumping the 4 barrel carb. I plugged her in for the first time ever? A couple hours later she was running again.
Jonny boy, I and Dann then got montana, north dakota, utah moved. We were behind schedule as blue thunder caught me off guard.
I have to go to bemidji this morning as we have a generator that got looked at. They said it had bad gas? How bad gas could of gotten in there I have no clue. All the other generators avoided the bad gas?
Jonny boy will hold down the fort. He did spend the night out there, so we had fishermen in 5 houses out there last night.
Buddy Hillmans road is in great shape with plenty of areas too find fresh fishing spots. It goes out about 5 miles straight west. The south side of the road has sank so going south would be a very bad idea. I’m also planning on doing some fishing this week so everyone wish me some luck on ” a grand lake that owes us nothing”