Dec 23rd 2019

Well, well, well., Here goes another report.
As I shared in my last report I’m a little laid up this winter from a car accident. I did go out Saturday eve for a couple hour’s to a friends shed party. He is a cattle farmer and had fresh rocky mountain oysters. I even got the hammer to try a bite. It really help me mentally to see some of the locals and have a few laughs. There were some hand shakes and hugs and a little talk how things could of been worse.
I did here through the grape vine that white or orange plain hooks have been the hot set up?
Visiting our customers is still not in the books as I’m also dealing with a concussion that makes it hard to focus.
I did venture out on to the lake yesterday just to check things out. Just as I figured Buddy Hillman has built another outstanding road that you could land your own 747 on. Straight as a arrow, wide as a runway.
The fishing reports have been very mixed. Jonny boy and Richie rich moved at least 4 house yesterday with Minnesota and north Dakotas customers getting a chance to fish a new spot the second day. Jonny boy found a decent spot and moved most of the fleet in that direction. From the sounds of it was a good move as all the houses were having action last night. Good job guys they might be after my job?
Brian and Stacy checked into Montana yesterday . They have been coming for quite a few years just before Christmas so I would like to at least go say hello to them today.
Its still going to be a very busy Christmas as we have 4 units being used Christmas eve and day.
I have heard from just a couple customers over the phone and they all have commented that Jonny boy is taking good care of them whish makes me feel good.
Our books are slowly filling in. But just like the past few years quite a few call last minute looking for a house the next or coming weekend?
I be leave Buddy Hillmans 218 647 8504 and my friend Thad 507 360 6405 may have openings as they have quite a few houses.
I have to talk to Buddy Hillman as I may start hanging out at there store in the morning helping out a bit. At least collect access fees for them early arrivers.
On a very sad day my Mother passed away yesterday, She of course was one of a kind. It was a relief to know she does not have to suffer any more. She was 80 and had a hell of a life. I guess you could say she played like baseball. All out, sliding for home and waring out her body along the way. She was quite the fighter and boy do I have some crazy memories of our child hood. She always said she should write a book and I would have to agree. It might be fun to share a few stories of her crazy life. She met my dad in mpls when she was young. Dad was from right here in waskish , mom grew up just west of Bemidji. There were 10 kids, they basically lived in a shed when they were young. She married John and they moved to Denver where me and my sister were born. Grandma Olga came to see me when I was born and my sister was saying her first word Cookie. That’s where I got my nick name as she said, that will be his nick name. Dad was not to happy he said no son of mine will be named cookie. lol. They divorced when I was 3 and she remarried Carl Paulciani when I was 5. He owned a couple different bars in Denver area and that’s where all the crazy child hood began

2 thoughts on “Dec 23rd 2019

  1. Hi cousin, just checking on how you were doing and was saddened to hear of Aunt Thelma’s passing. Thinking of you and your family. I will share the news with mom. Your cousin Paulette

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