Well, it’s been an interesting year to say the least.
Last night Kellie and I spent part of the evening fishing and having dinner with Lee and Chris in old Minnesota. They have become great friends and lee is a hoot with his acting background. We have already made plans to go to his Mystery Cafe Theatre this spring. I highly recommend going to one of there shows as I have always enjoyed dinner theatre and plays.
After dinner I had a call from Mike in Idaho it seems they were having generator trouble. I left Kellie with Chris and Lee and raced out to Idaho to find oil all over the top of the unit
Dale and his wife were in Florida and had his own generator so he was fine. I brought the unit home and went to work cleaning up the mess as oil was in the cylinder and carb. Were not sure what happen but I was able to clean it out, change the oil, reinstall the carb and get her going again. It seems it some how ended up on its side Mike in Idaho was not happy and felt Dale had caused the problem. I guess we will never know what happened but its up and running and that’s all that matters.
All 5 sleepers have had horrible fishing? Idaho, Florida were on fresh spots. Minnesota and Montana were only fished last weekend with good results so we wanted to see if good fishing would continue. California did yield a couple of fish Sunday eve but nothing to brag about.
Steve, Zack, Gene had a pike under there hard house that they had on twice. Steve decided to tie a chisel on a rope and drop it under the house the next time that pike marked on the vex.
8:30 pm they marked the fish and dropped the chisel. The pike took off and on its way took the jig and minnow in the far corner of the house .There was no way of stopping it as it spooled out the line until it broke.
The young guys in Utah had car trouble and we spent a little time getting there vehicle running yesterday. They also had poor fishing. I all most want to blame the weather on this one as you would think 5 houses someone would catch some fish. Tony scouted a new area last night and only marked 2 fish. He felt one may have been a crappie? All the houses were seeing some fish but they were tight to the bottom and had no intention on taking any of there offerings.
The little red truck that could lost a bearing coming off the lake yesterday. We got lucky as it did not break the serpentine belt but needs to get a new part 60 miles away.
The red baron is at the tranny shop and we hope to have it back by the weekend. The cold weather has taken its toll on the equipment but that’s the nature of the beast and you just deal with it. It makes it quite the challenge but very rewarding .You have to be a janitor, mechanic, truck driver, plower, guide, labor, carpenter, electrician, fishermen, gas man for the heaters, and whatever I’m forgetting. Time to go check my fishermen as it looks like it could be a beautiful sunrise.